
What is your opinion on sociological perspectives are they useful?

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What is your opinion on sociological perspectives are they useful?




  1. i love symbolic interactionism.  of course there are problems, but i think it's very valuable in every aspect of life to think of not only what we say or do, but how that is interpreted and symbolized.  i also love the concept that action is always occurring and that an event never occurs on its own - it is part of   a "stream" of action.

  2. I'm taking Intro to Sociology right now and my favorite perspective is the functionalist perspective because I like the fact that it shows how both the positive and negative aspects of society function to accomplish certain goals.  I think it holds most true, because I think that the reason most things happen is because they serve some purpose (even if it is not just or fair).  For example, the function of law breakers is to uphold society's definition of right and wrong, while also forcing society to examine its own ethical standards.

    To me, conflict theory is too cut and dry, putting too much blame on the owners of the "means of production."  And how do we define that anyway?  Anybody who owns stock in a company would be bourgeoisie, and the rest would be simply labeled as "workers."

  3. I really like the symbolic interactionist perspective. I like asking why in addition to the how.

    Sociological perspectives are useful because they cover different ways of thinking and are applicable in daily life.

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