
What is your opinion on stay at home moms? Moms - how to you like it?

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Thanks for all your responses so far. I am blessed to be able to stay home with my wee one. I got to see his first smile, first steps, hear his first word - etc and I am TRULY GRATEFUL! I thank God every night and pray for another day with him. I love it, but I find myself getting bored after 14 months couped up. I tried going for walks, shopping, playing in the yard weather permitting. It just seems like the same thing over and over again. He is an active little man and goes not stay put for long so public places are limited to short time frams. Any ideas?




  1. I had to work after I had my first daughter and felt like I was missing so much. After my second daughter I opted to stay home. It is so much nicer because I've been here for everything. I don't know if it's just a differance in personality or what but my older daughter has always been much more independant and ok if I have to go somewhere, whereas my youngest just doesn't want me to leave her side at all..that is until it's time for her Daddy to get home then it's all him!

  2. I am and have been a stay at home mom for nearly 4 years and I know what you mean by getting really borde at time. But then I just think about all I would be missing and how if I had to work all day with no choice in the matter that would get boring too. Plus working has no freedoms you have to work allday at homa at least you have some options. Also once your child gets older those things and more get easier to do with them. Being a stay at home mom is the best and hardest job a woman can have in my opinion!!!

  3. the ones in my town who have kids JUST so they dont have to work annoy me! however, i will be a stay at home mummy soon, studying my university degree by corrospondence, so i dont see anything wrong with it!

  4. I am a stay at home mom and absoulty love it- seeing my daughter grow everday AMAZING!!!

  5. I was not (and still am not) planning on being a stay-at-home mom. I am a teacher, and I had my baby in March, so I was planning to go back for the last 3 weeks of school. Unfortunately, after my baby was born, I got to have my gallbladder out, so I didn't go back. My baby will be over 4 months old when I go back to work, and I am both excited to be around adults and trepidatious about leaving my baby girl (even though she will be with my husband or my sister when I am gone).

    Staying at home is HARD WORK!!!! You take care of the baby all day, and what she wants is to eat and be held. I get a few other things done, like laundry or cooking or dishes, but they are monotonous and don't feel like great big accomplishments. It's also hard to be home alone with a baby because they don't talk, and you start to miss real interaction with people.

    However, I have LOVED being at home with my girl, because she has learned new things every day. Today she has started scooching her body over to get to the toys she would like to play with. THis week, she has figured out how to put toys in her mouth--not just her fist. I was at home for her first smile, the first time she grabbed a toy all by herself, the first time she put her own binkie back in her mouth. It's amazing and wonderful to be part of that. It has also been wonderful to nurse her. I will continue to nurse and pump when I go back to school, but there is definitely a great benefit to just being home and nursing on demand.

    I think you have to do what's right for your family. My family needs the money I make, and I need the social sanity of working, and I know that my little one will be in good hands, so I am going back to work.

    :) Good luck

  6. There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom and there is nothing wrong with being a working mom.

    I love being a stay at home mom and wife. It is my choice to do so. As long as the kid(s) are being taken care of then why should it matter if you stay home all day or part of the day of you work?

  7. I am a mother of 5 children. I stayed at home till my youngest went to school and now I work fulltime.

    I myself love working. There are days when I come home and i'm dead on my feet and the last thing I want to do is cook and clean, but I wouldn't change a thing.

    Its a personal choice and neither are wrong. If you want to stay at home with the kids, then thats fine. Just as if you want to work thats fine too. I just dont understand why there has to be so much guilt with either decision.

  8. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. I'm doing it for my children, and at times I need to remind myself of that. Working in the home or outside it, neither is easy as a parent. I do my best and remind myself that one day they'll be bigger and I can get a job outside the home. I know they love me being here, they've told me so.

  9. I think that being a stay at home mom is the most important job a woman can have. I love the time I got to spend raising my two boys. I was very happy to do without the extra income I would have earned working. I have such a wonderful bond with my sons that even their dad doesn't have. I heard their first word and I watched them take their first step. I didn't miss a thing. I wouldn't have missed a minute and I'd do it all over again. I think it's better for the kids to be raised by a mommy than a babysitter. Don't misunderstand. I have nothing against working moms.

  10. I was a stay at home until my youngest was three. I loved it because I viewed it as time to bond with the new members of the family and get to know them a little bit before I went back into the world. Sometimes it's necessary for both parents to work, and there isn't anything wrong with wanting to get back to it asap, I just enjoyed my time with my babies before I got back in the saddle. ;) If I were to have another (we're trying) I would take off another few years to get to know him or her and bond with him or her as well.

  11. I think being a stay at home mom is great if you can do it. It gives you a chance to bond with your child and also time to not stress about who is taking care of your baby, is he/she ok, etc... I can't wait to experience that when my baby arrives. I'm sure I will eventually get stir crazy, but until then I'm going to enjoy every minute.

  12. I think that SAHM's are great.  They do a 24/7 job with very little breaks and have to constantly be on the go.  I am a SAHM and love it but it isn't for everybody.  My sisters can't do it, they prefer working atleast part-time just to get a break from the house and everything.  Me, well I love being at home with my boys and hate when i do have to work outside the home.

  13. SAHMs and Working Moms are great.  I was a working mom after my first was born, and felt like I missed out on so much.  So I was glad to be able to stay home after my second was born.  There are benefits in staying home AND working for Moms and children, and I do work outside of the home every now and then when I need a "fill-up."  Children are so resilient.

  14. I think that if you are a SAHM for the right reasons it's an amazing thing. I only have problems with people who are SAHM's because they don't want to finish school and get a job. If you actually want to stay home and care for your children than AWESOME!

  15. If they want to do it, by all means do so.  More than anything else in society, the mother is the one that affects the future of this country because they are the first and best teachers of our children.

    But I honestly don't understand why they would want to do so.  Quite frankly, from what I've seen out of children, they will throw far crazier things at you than any job ever could.

    Humanity is quite lucky that women are so tough.

  16. I like it but I'm naturally a slacker. I hate going to work. There is nothing better than waking up and knowing I can spend the whole day with my son having fun. And of course you have to do the main portion of the cleaning, but that doesn't take 8 hours like a normal job. It's fun to know you are being productive in some way. And raising a child is the most productive thing you can do...ever. Plus I'm 7 months pregnant so I would REALLY not want to be working right now. So if you can afford it, it's awesome. But a few months after this one is born I have to go back to work. It's just not fair for my boyfriend. Maybe he can take some time off then.

  17. i am a stay at home mom i have a going to be two year old his birthday is Friday. i love being home with my son i do get bored sometimes so, i know how you feel we don't even get out much.

  18. I am a stay at home mom to 2 girls and another baby on the way and I love it but it does tend to drive you a little nutts every now and again.It is hard staying couped up in the house day in and day out.Sometimes I find myself holding long conversations with my 3 yr old and 1 yr old daughters. I do not live with anyone else except my daughters and husband and since hubby works 12 hours a day it gets lonely sometimes...also we have 1 vehicle and he takes it to work most of the time so there is no way to go anywhere and do anything except go for walks around the block or play outside...

    Its not bad being a stay at home mom,it just tends to get stressful. All in all I love being a stay at home mom because I get to be RIGHT THERE in the mix of it daughters' first steps,words,smiles,etc....I don't have to watch them on a home movie later on just to see them which I love...I just wish I could get out a little more with the girls instead of on home detention =)

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