
What is your opinion on stay at home wives-without children?

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Although I am doing a bit of landscaping work for the summer (bringing home 200-300 every 2 weeks), the rest of the year I'm a housewife and have no children yet. Next year I don't plan on doing the landscaping at all, and I also sell Civil War reenactment items on e-bay, but it's more of a hobby (again, easily make 200 a week when I actually keep up with it.) I am not lazy, my house is relatively clean, and the landscaping I'm doing is a business and 2 VERY LARGE group homes that are over an acre each. I also knit socks for soldiers, garden, can, coupon shop, and make dresses and bonnets that I sell on E-Bay and Etsy.




  1. It doesn't sound like you are a couch potato eating bon bons and watching soaps all day so I wouldn't worry about it for another second.  You are obviously a "work from home wife", not a "stay at home wife".  Also keep in mind that SOMEONE has to do the volunteer work that always needs done, like Meals on Wheels and volunteering at the schools.  It gets harder every year that the economy gets tougher to get enough volunteers to get the jobs done.  Keep up the good work, lady!

  2. Way to go girl

    You sound like an entrepreneur and it's working.If this is working for you and your significant other don't let people take you down.

    Times are changing from the traditional role and this economy isn't helping.I bet we see more variations for basic survival.

    Good Luck and Wisdom

  3. Just because you have a 'cottage industry' doesn't mean you don't work!  I'm curious as to why you need validation to do what you want to do.  If you're happy, if your husband is happy, and you feel fulfilled, who cares what anybody else thinks?

    As long as a person isn't lazy, doesn't break any laws, and doesn't violate another's civil rights, I ALWAYS vote in favor of doing what you want to do.  

    It's the American Way!

  4. it sounds to me like you are living life to the fullest...don't feel guilty and consider yourself blessed!

  5. I have to be honest I was about to say LAZY until I finish reading.  You sound happy.  And alot of businesses started out like you at home.  If your husband is content and you are too.  Go for it.

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