
What is your opinion on teenagers' driving?

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I don't think that they should be allowed on the road. I'm 16, so, while driving, I have to deal with their poor driving habits on a regular basis around the school and in the school parking lot. (I'm almost rear-ended by by another teenager who is speeding, and doesn't see that I am following the speed limit 3 times a day on average) I would gladly hand in my license if teenage licenses were revoked. Too many of them pay too little attention.




  1. I don't think they should make broad classifications about groups of people like that.  Rather, they should take away licenses from anyone who is reckless.  For those under 21, even a single incident of reckless driving should result in a suspension.  That way the reckless drivers will either reform their ways or lose their licenses, and the safe drivers will be able to get around.

  2. I don't think you should get your full license until 18, and should start learning at 16, but only when accompanied by an experienced driver, someone who's at least 25 and has been driving for at least 3 years. Teenagers have been proven to be less attentive on the road, it's not really their fault, it's just the way it is.

  3. Not all teenagers are irresponsible.   They need to just take the licenses from anyone that is wreckless at driving.

  4. teenagers r gud at drivin... but the old n disabld onz suk at drivin... they usually cauz accidents, causes traffic.... old ppl should retake their drivin test... thatz ma opinion

  5. its just dumb asses that think they can do anything and nothing will happen, 3 years ago at my high school someone in my class got in to an accident he was the passenger the car he was in was racing and the driver of that car was caught speeding 5 times but still had his license because his dad was a lawyer, the kid from my class died. me i use to speed a lot 100mph+ but i knew my limits 110 then i couldnt control it because the stearing was so sensitive (i only did this when traffic was clear there was like 5 cars on the road)

    the thing is that licenses are to easy to get every dumb *** has it they need to make licenses harder to get

    for a gun licenses it is hard to get, but for 4,000lbs of medal speeding down the parkway at 100mph the license is easy to get??? WHY!!!

  6. its not teenagers

    too many people in general suck at driving

  7. some are reckless,  some are dangerous  some are too cautious.   the human Brain isn,t developed  until 21 yrs of age.   teens usually don't  think things through  so accidents are likely

  8. Have to agree but I think it should be mandatory for everyone to pass a driving class to get a license. There are just t omany stupid people on the road.

  9. I think the age  doesn't mater, as long as the driver got a good instructor and good manners .. My daughter was 16 years old when she got her driver's license with the  grade: " "safe driver", and  she is now over 30, with a very clean driving record.

    Besides if you look closer to old drivers in the streets you could find many of them without any considerations to the driving rules.

  10. Its not just teenagers its almost everyone that cant drive... and to "Matt" who thinks "teenagers r gud at drivin", wait till mommy and daddy dont buy your car for you and pay for everything, then its a different story. also, learn how to spell.

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