
What is your opinion on the Confederate Flag?

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My co- workers and i have very uncomfortable disscusions about the confederate flag. I am black and the majority of them are white and offten flaunt the flag. How should i go about this situation wihout feeling uncomfortable????




  1. quit. move to africa.

  2. It is a part of our history.

    Ignorant people made it a symbol for hate.

    Wise people still see it as a part of history.

    Since the majority of the slave traders were in the north, I wouldn't make it as southern thing to hate different races.  It happens everywhere.

  3. the confederate flag represents the confederate states. if you dont know what they are (were) they are south carolina, mississippi, florida, alabama, tennessee, georgia, texas, louisiana, missouri, virginia, arkansas, north carolina, and kentucky. the 13 stars on the flag represent each state. this flag all came about in the 1860's. the confederate (rebel) flag represented the south, just as the american flag represents america. it was a symbol of rebellion against the federal government. it means different things to different people. some people argue its a symbol for slavery. i live in alabama, one of the confederate states, and i dont see it as anything more that a part of history. not just southern history, but world history.  

  4. In their world its pure fun. Forget that the flag was a meaning of killing off all blacks, they now cover up the meaning by calling it a rebel bad boy type flag......funny I see no other race with it but the white race.

    To me its low class, gross, stupid and selffish.

    when my mom was growing up (when they had white only and black only sections and by the way its not that long ago am only 21 so not 100 years back)

    They placed a cross on her lawn with died chickens with that so called history flag, its the flag of hate and death.

  5. To anyone who says it is just about slavery is pure wrong and does not know what they are talking about. My ancestors fought in the civil war, I have letters they they wrote during the civil war and no where in the letters do they talk about fighting for slavery.They do talk about fighting for their country and fighting to defend their home. They believed in their heart that the CSA was their country. Now did some people in the south fight the war for slavery, sure they did you would be stupid to say they didn't. But if you read the letters of the soldiers who wrote home they did not fight the war over slavery, politicians and large plantation owners may have got the war started over it, but that's not why the average guy fought the war. So to me the flag is a symbol of my ancestors fighting for what they believed were right, by the way i can find no record of them owning slaves. The flag has been used by many people to represent things it never was meant to represent, ie kkk. Anyone who flaunts the flag is misusing the flag and a disgrace to the flag. I have people in my family who died for that flag fighting for what they thought was right. The flag should never be used to bring fear or hatred upon anyone. No one should ever use the flag that way but no one should ever attempt to take my right to honor my ancestors and their sacrifice to the land that loved and died defending.  

  6. Confederate Flags make for great toilet paper substitutes.

    Or bathroom floor rugs.

    Or a urinal bullseye.

  7. just a symbol and pride of the southern.

  8. They should know that the Confederate flag is the shame of south, not the pride of the south. They like the idea of the flag as a rebel symbol, but the truth is that it is the symbol of the people who wanted to split this nation. It is simply unpatriotic. It also the flag of an army that lost, that's not something that I would be proud of. The main factor of the civil war was slavery, the very owning of another human being. Ask them if they themselves would like to be bought and sold  today like a piece of equipment, if their confederate army had won that might had have been the case today.

  9. I can't speak for other Whites. But personally, I look at the confederate flag as a states rights issue, nothing racial

  10. may wanna change jobs...they seem like real buttholes at your job.   You could tell them that is bothers you and if they could be polite about not flaunting it too much.  I guess they have a right to flaunt it, but I honestly don't know why they'd want to.  Maybe you can flaunt something that they find slightly offensive?  Get revenge that way.  Maybe you can start flaunting the regular American flag?

  11. Why should they change the way they act or dress just to suit you?  That's a bit selfish of you.

    Change jobs or quit letting it bother you.  They have every right to flaunt it if they want.  Political correctness is going to kill this country.  You be you, they can be them.

  12. The Confederal flag is a symbol of slavery and oppression and anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.

  13. Burn the flag! HAHAHAHA just kidding. To them it just represents their redneckness south, but really, it just represents their ignorance. Your just going to have to be the better person in this situation and understand that they are not flaunting the flag for racial reasons but pride for the south for some unknown redneck reason. If they are flying it because they think that African Americans should be slaves, then there is a problem. If the situation is to uncomfortable to bear, then I would start looking for new jobs, and leave when you found one.

  14. that fruity looty ooty cooty killa killa rilla illa..

  15. Well I'd say that they flaunt it due to bein proud of their heritage and not as aimed againist you. You shouldn't be uncomfortable about it either for many of your ancestors as well as mine(im techinically white but am a quarter Native American and have some Bi Racial Ancestors including black slaves from Barbados) fought and died for that flag and maybe you should do some research and you'd understand that our common ancestors in the south fought only to defend their homeland from hypocritical unethical smeers and dishonors and disrespects mostly from Northern Clergymen who called themselves abolishnist but were usually more racist than any man in the south.

  16. the confederate what? who cares (well, you do) i dont care im just 14 so whatever

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