
What is your opinion on the Miss Bimbo website?

by Guest55889  |  earlier

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What do you think about the web site that shows kids from ages 9-16 that you need to have boob jobs, face lifts, plastic surgery, go on crash diets, and go to clubs all the time?

i think that it is horrible and shouldn't be allowed

i hate it!




  1. Horrible -- and the amount of press coverage is just going to make them more successful!  It really irks me that there are great nice sites out there that couldn't get that kind of press coverage and these jerks are going to be incredibly successful because their site is so awful. Little kids don't understand irony or satire...which is why some adults would find it amusing.

  2. I think its pretty inappropriate.  If I had a daughter I wouldn't allow her on it.

  3. Well, they need a parents permission if they're under 18.

  4. I think it should be shut down.

  5. I can understand how many, MANY people believe that Miss Bimbo is a bad influence to young teenage girls, however I think there are two sides to the story.

    I think that Miss Bimbo isn't a horrible disgusting website, as parents have recently found out. Yes, the site is very influencing to young girls and parents think that these sorts of sites should be rid of, but parents are more than aware of the sorts of things that are on the internet these days and should be taking precautions to make sure that their children cannot access them. If parents are making sure that their sons or daughters are safley surfing the net, then I see no reason why the more mature teenagers should not be allowed to visit Miss Bimbo, just plainly for the irony and they know that some people can get influenced by it, but knowing that they wont; especially if those mature teenagers have parental consent aswell.

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