
What is your opinion on the Viet-Nam Conflict (WAR)?

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Viet Nam war




  1. we didnt lose the war on the battlefield, we lost it in washington and at home. congress was running the war and wouldnt let the soldiers do their job. the press COMPLETELY turned the whole populace against the vietnam war and the veterans sort of like they are doing now but on a much smaller scale.

  2. Exposed in messing up with science and mathematics.

    Exposed what good is modern and latest technology.

    Exposed what can happen with majority in control.

    Exposed living human kind do not even know how to win a war

    Without God leading and guiding them in time.

    Exposed how both sides with time goes separate ways.

    In l*****g their wounds.

    With both sides suffering from heavy toll of casualties back in the past.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    After the mystery of us-911.

    Exposed the recovery of the "Spoils of the war" from world war two that was lost with time.

    Without being aware of it being exposed in time.

    Thanks to the War Vets. beating tin cans with all the noise out there.

    Joshua 7.11

    What do you think?


  4. We ddin't lsoe the war in a military sence we won every major battle and campain with complete victories but it was the media and the poloticans who made us pull out the war was needed to stop conniusm althoguht we offical lost it we would have won if it wern't for the media and the poloticans I mean in over a decade of war we lost less men than we lost in 1 year in ww2 it was a victory jsut like iraq and Afganistan but the media is once again going to cost us this war

  5. That purposeless war is already over and has become part of the history of defeat of the stronger by a weakest nation.  Nevertheless, since we are human beings, we should have learned a lesson from it, but alas we didn't and kept on trying to impose our ideas on others by dint of military and economic power.  One thing which could be learned from that war is that unity and sacrifice of the weakest can never be defeated by the stronger.  Secondly, in view of that war, we could have started understanding each other towards development of global peace.  However, if we do not strive for a global peace by letting others live in consonance with their own norms, we are certainly heading towards total destruction of the world.  Subsequently, the sources of power will vanish together with the whole humanity.  Is that we want!!!

    I wish we all could love and care for each other indiscriminately of race, religion, caste, and ethnicity because we are just one.  Once we opt to exercise it, we will stop exerting our view point on others and it will ultimately lead to non-interference in to the others affairs.

    Wish a global peace for all of us with a terror-free life on the basis of "live and let live".

  6. Converse all-stars are now manufactured in Vietnam. I bought a pair last week. It says it right there on the tag. How are the Vietamese Communists that we were fighting then different from the ones we buy shoes from now? In the long run the war seems rather pointless to me. I'm not trying to put down those who fought in it. They were doing there duty, but I can't help but believe that it could have been handled without getting 50,000 Americans killed and spending countless billions.

    " Just as in Iraq, there were many citizens of Vietnam willing and hoping that the U.S. would be able to overcome the communist regime and quell the insurgency in the country."

    We had half a country on our side in Vietnam. The Iraqis who want us to go into Iraq were all Expatriates. We had nobody on the inside fighting with us.

    The Vietnam war was sold based on the idea that if it fell other countries would also fall to communism. This was a false belief. Turns out we don't even have that big of a problem with communism. We must not, we are now trading partners with Vietnam and China. The war was based on a paraniod fantasy. In this respect, it is much like the Iraq war.

    "We won almost all of the "conventional" battles, but we lost the important and vital part, losing the will of the people and their trust in us to do the right things to help them to gain a better more free life."

    Old Conservative riddle:.

    Q: What's the biggest lie in the world?

    A: We're from the Government, we're here to help..

    It is as true in a foriegn country as it is here. Nobody appreciates seeing their country turned into a war zone and have their lives turned upside down by some government project intended to "help" them.

  7. A conflict to make a statement that the spread of communism would not be tolerated.  The U.S. was not able to complete the conflict in the manner that follows the counterinsurgency doctrine developed by foreign policy analysts.  Just as in Iraq, there were many citizens of Vietnam willing and hoping that the U.S. would be able to overcome the communist regime and quell the insurgency in the country.  The U.S. was not prepared to fight the type of conflict of counterinsurgency just as we are having difficulties in Iraq with it now (thank god for Gen Petreaus, he is the worlds leading expert on it)  We won almost all of the  "conventional" battles, but we lost the important and vital part, losing the will of the people and their trust in us to do the right things to help them to gain a better more free life.  Many historical similarities that people do not want to admit.  It was the first war that media coverage was very prevalent and brought the horror of war that previous generations (WW2 Korea) did not talk about when they came home.  Conflict has never been the same since the advent of real time media coverage.  Media has been as much of a hindrance as a tool.  The media's depiction of soldiers as immoral killing machines who had no remorse of killing at all drove the intense protests along with the high casulty rates.  Consider this, WW2 had 450000 casulties, Korea 50000, and Vietnam 55000.  War has always been terrible and casulties happen.  I myself am a serverly wounded Iraq vet, I know the price that can be payed short of death.  Just as in all the wars, what are we fighting for?  The ideal of freedom.  WW2 the fight against Facism and opression, Korea the fight against chinese agression and opression, Vietnam, fight against communism and a freedom way of life,  Iraq, against a different form of facism, one of an insane leader in an unstable country, the idea of hopefully educating and changing brainwashed radical islamic people into seeing the light that there is a better way to live.  (I was blasted to pieces by a suicide bomber, would give anything to have five minutes to talk to him before or after and just see, why?? and give him a different viewpoint and perspective and see what his thougth process is)  Anyways, back to Vietnam.. It was a bad sell on why it was happening and it didnt help to have the draft since many were so opposed to it to start with.  Same with Iraq, many want to sit on the sidelines and just watch and ***** abuot it.  Nobody wants to actually make a difference one way or the other.  We are a country of complacent TV watching obese people which will be our downfall if anything because everyone is to lazy to make a difference, take that chance.  It's just to easy to watch CNN and have your order out pizza...  Ok, well that's more of a rant than an answer, but I think the answer is in there if you read into it enough....    

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