
What is your opinion on the arguing between Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador?

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My opinion is that I understand that Ecuador my be upset with Colombian soldiers going to there country without permission but come on they were protecting there countery and managed to kill one of the most dangerous terrorist!!! As for Venezuela I dont see how this affects them when its between Colombia and Ecuador, Chavez is just retarded and he should mine his own buisness.=]




  1. I agree with your assesment.  I can see why this is a Ecuadorian-Colombian problem.  Chavez should have nothing to do with this.  He's just sticking his nose in like always.  My question, is why Ecuador and Colombia aren't working together against the FARC?  You think this would be the most obvious solution.

  2. I think Correa (the President of Ecuador) is a puppet of Hugo Chavez (President of Venezuela). When the Colombian military found the FARC hide-out it was on the Colombian side. FARC rebels started firing from the Ecuadorian side. The Colombian government let Correa know what was happening, and what their intentions were (to go after the FARC in Ecuadorian side). Correa even acknowledged this on a radio broadcast the next morning. However, when Chavez denounced what Colombia did Correa does an about-face and denounces it himself!

    Colombia has been complaning that Ecuador and especially Venezuela haven't done enough to stop the FARC's operations on their side of the border. I think Colombia did the right thing. Correa is saying what he is saying because of Chavez. Hugo Chavez came out of nowhere saying he was escalating his troop size @ the border. This had nothing to do with Venezuela!!

  3. i think the death of this terrorist isnt only colombias victory, good for them..

    Viva Colombia!

  4. As we all know colombians have been at war for the past 40 years and as sad as it might sound, the civil unrest of my country is something that we have learned to live with. Just like Russia, Israel or the U.S.A. our soldiers know what they're doing and are very good at their job.

    my answer to the question is simple, Colombians would win.

    Venezuela would become Colombia's parking lot and Ecuadorians have never fired a gun, u could invade that country with a bb-gun, an avocato some duck tape and a plastic knife.

  5. Both Chavez and his 'lacayo' Correa are on the way out.

    I can't see the Venezuelan or Ecuadorian people putting up much longer with these two clowns.

    Anyway, what were known terrorists doing in Ecuador?

    Being 'protected' by Correa?

    And I hope this 'Hugo Chavez Circus' is finally coming to and end.

  6. ese chaves es un malparido

    quiere acabar con colombia

    pero acuerdese q estados unidos y canada apoyan a colombia

    y nadie le gana a estados unidos!!

    regaleme el best answer porfa

  7. This is bees handled by Central America countries as they have in the past. The Drug Wars are a necessity for the US to keep a foot hold in South America.


    As for Terrorism, it must be applied w/o bias, we failed to release a bomber of a Cuban Air Liner, even after it was determined by Interpol of his culpability.


    Any ways, on your question - these is an issue that's been as old as the Drug War - coincidence that the drugs comes from Colombia and that the must atrocious drug killings come from Colombia.


    I beleiver Brazil, Argentina and Chile have it well under control as well as the other SA Countries.

  8. How long has Colombia been saying those cowardly FARC drug trafficers are hiding just over the borders of Venezuela and Ecuador? Hooray for Colombia for kicking the FARCs *** once in a while. Shoot at me....all is fair in love and war.

    Get em Uribe....NO MAS FARC!!!!!!!!

    They want their own little place to make peace and trade back the hostages. Last time they were given a safe area, they only made more drugs and kidnapped more people.

    NO MAS FARC!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree it was none of Chavez's business. He should go smooze some other terrorist like Bin Laden like he did before. He should be helping the poor people of Venezuela rather than giving billions away to other terrorist and rogue entities.

    NO MAS FARC!!!!!!!!!

    Colombians do not need a visa for tourism in Ecuador. I suppose the guerillas were there on vacation? I think if the FARC are so welcome in Ecuador and Venezuela, why don't they just move there permanently?

    NO MAS FARC!!!!!! NO MAS FARC!!!!!!! NO MAS FARC!!! Nuff said!!!!!

  9. There's a military strategy that Colombia has made its own of pushing FARC south to the border with Ecuador.

    There's 720 kilometers of frontier line between Colombia and Perú.

    Ecuador has thousands of soldiers protecting the frontier from these groups and from frequent Colombia's trasspasing.

    The terrain of the border in the east of the highlands is dense jungle, very difficult to control.

    Colombia does not have a proper military control and doesn't want to have that control, thay want the ecuadorian army to deal with that.

    Now that the groups of Raúl Reyes trasspased the border they attacked 30 minutes after the ecuadorian radars were turned off, these was planned more than 2 weeks before the attacks and was not communicated to the ecuadorian authorities, they threw bombs inside ecuadorian territory, took the body of Reyes and left.

    Now Colombia and USA says that Ecuador is giving refuge to terrorist and Venezuela is financing them.

    They could have made a binational group to capture Reyes, but they decided not to.

    Uribe has a militaristic view and it is supported by the USA.

    If only Ecuador would have been the one bombarding inside Colombian territory and not notifying the colombian authorities, this would have escalated to a conflict.

    It's NOT a big deal, and that is because its a militaristic government that does not care for international law.

    What if CUBA wanted to kill Posada Carriles, a "terrorist/freedom fighter" that blew a cuban commercial plane, and threw bombs in US territory, would that be a big deal?

  10. You pretty much summed it up.  FARC was using bases in Ecuador to attack into Colombia; Colombia, just like Turkey did with Kurdish rebels using bases in Iraq, attacked across the border.

    Venezuela has no business being involved, except that Chavez is funneling money to FARC, and now he's got his panties in a bunch because one of his favorite terrorists just bit the big one.

    Chavez is spoiling for a fight to take attention off of the fact that his socialist revolution is failing and his people are starting to realize what a piece of c**p he really is.

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