
What is your opinion on the following? I would like serious responses only please?

by Guest56231  |  earlier

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I went with a friend to do pet therapy at a retirement home for nuns the other day. The place is just magnificent; beautiful rooms, furniture, tons of polished wood and book cases filled with rare books and artifacts. At least 3 kitchens and dining rooms that could seat 100 people if needs be. However, the nuns don’t cook; the meals are catered. At least 3 other sitting rooms that were larger than the first floor of my house. Beautiful, carpets and matching wall paper. The chapel was amazing with lots of stained glass and wood.

The nuns rooms were quite nice and modest with private baths. Quite comfortable looking. The nursing staff were very nice. The activities director was a very nice lady and certainly keeps the residents busy.

It is commendable that the retired nuns are being taken care of so well. My question is this – why do they need such an opulent place? I would say half the building is not used. My friend goes there at least twice a week as she is a job coach & she needs to check up on her consumer who works there. Most of the rooms are just there for show it seems. Why so many kitchens and dining rooms when most of the residents eat in their rooms?

In our area, at least 6 Catholic Churches have been closed due to lack of funds. Seems to me the money spent in this building could be put to better use. Some of the objects in there could be sold and used to feed poor people. They are not doing anyone any good collecting dust on a shelf in a library that no one uses. Seems very wasteful to me. And, I thought nuns and priests gave up all worldly possessions. So why do they need to be housed somewhere surrounded by them?

I put this in Religion also. Wanted a variety of opinions.




  1. I'm not Catholic and I don't know how that works but i do know that you should've posted this question in a different section if you wanted a serious answer.

  2. Well, nuns are part of the holy family! they've worked thier whole life and sacrificed soo much of what we take for granted (dating, choice of clothing, ect) that they really deserve it. Have you ever talked to one? Thier such nice people and very pleasent. In my opinion, anyone that religious deserves a place like that, wayy more than stuck up movie stars deserve thier cars and cribs.  

  3. Sounds like something is out of line here.  

  4. Not that I am religious, because I am not.  However, I believe nuns and priests should live comfortably in their final years.  Most of them have lived a life of poverty and service.

    I agree that the Catholic church needs to shake things up a bit and move into the 21st century.  There are a wealth of artifacts, as well as properties, and art which could be sold.  Not to mention the wealth of The Vatican and all its treasures.

    With all the suits being brought against the Catholic clergy for sexual abuse of children, they may have to sell it all off any way, because the accusers are winning the suits, some for large amounts of money.

  5. this is polls and surveys. we're here to hv fun not be agony aunts!!

  6. too much to read

  7. I would imagine that the place was built when there were many nuns, now there are few. It is not a given that selling the building and buying something smaller would save money. It's usually not that simple. You have to take into account the other factors, purchasing a new place, moving everyone, finding a buyer for the old one, etc. The building is probably paid for and it's not impossible that they may have ideas of putting it other uses.

    I don't have any problem with nuns spending their retirement in a nice comfortable place.

    No, nuns and priests do not all take a vow of poverty and give up all worldly possessions, that is only for some religious orders.  

  8. good luck getting any serious responces if anyone actually reads that garbage.

  9. serious responses! ha!

    You're in the wrong section.

    too many polysyllabic words for me to comprehend!

  10. The people who organized this center probably thought they were doing the nuns a service. They were trying to be respectful to the nuns by providing them with a place so opulent, as you say. After ages of living in a meager existence, I interpret this as their trying to make the last years of these nun's lives the most enjoyable it can be. But I have to agree, it's a bit too much. It's not like these women went off to war and got their extremeties blown off.  

  11. After 12 years of Catholic school I have no love for Nuns, however as long as no taxpayers dollars are being spent, these nuns could be living like royalty for all I care.

  12. I'm with you Nada M.

  13. Your point is?

    and next time....when u want to write an article...make sure its interesting... we would surely apprecate that...

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