
What is your opinion on the free movement of people in the European Union? Is it an EU parliament triumph?

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I need honest opinions people. Is the free movement a triumph? Does it actually exisist? What are the biggest problems associated with it? What are the main benefits? Please give your own opinion and thank you. :-)!




  1. People from poor countries leave instead of fighting to improve their own country. The countries they flood into now have to deal with the burden of supporting millions of unskilled workers.

  2. free movement is a key part of acting as a united confederation of states towards a united group

  3. I feel it is very important actually a good thing. It has a lot of support in Europe because Europe has many small countries boarding each other, and say you just wanted to hop into Germany for a bit, and go back into France, it would be a pain to go through customs.

    It is a free movement triumph. It does actually exist. I have not heard of any problems associated with it. The main benefits are saving time instead of spending time going through customs and such.

  4. In is an excellent idea in theory but a disaster in practise.As is plain to see all the richer countries are being bombarded with migrants putting an unsustainable pressure on those economy's.There should be a unilateral rigorous works permit put in place then only people that are needed or can contribute can stay permanently in the country of choice.Those without permits should be controlled and if the have not found work or ,are not self sustainable should be either given a deadline or ask to move on.

  5. Free movement of human beings is a basic human right, so I believe that it is a good thing.  Before we developed nation-states and borders (only a few hundred years ago), people were free to move wherever they wished.  We placed artificial barriers to limit movement.  I certainly don't see why I, as a human being, cannot freely move from this piece of land to that piece of land.

  6. it's nice.EU members with the most population would benefit more though.

  7. The free movement of labor is not anything the European Parliament did. It's in the Treaty of Maastricht. And I don't think the leaders who signed that treaty really thought out that provision. The German trade unions went absolutely bonkers when a lot of the construction jobs involved in the re-building of the former East Berlin were filled by workers from the British Isles. And the British are getting a bit peeved about all of the Poles on their tight little island. The Republic of Ireland has become a magnet for French citizens trying to escape the bureaucratic and tax madness of La Belle France.

    The main benefit is a flow of labor that comes at a cheaper price for established businesses west of the German-Czech border. And the funds earned by those workers go back, in large part, to the nations east of that border to raise their domestic earnings.

    As for free movement of others, it appears to have been a success in terms of intra-European tourism. But, that has caused problems as well. I still marvel at the unpreparedness of Austrian authorities with a Papal visit to a shrine in their country. They forgot that a single road connected the Croatian capital of Zagreb with the village in Austria where the shrine was located and there was no more Iron Curtain or internal passport checks. Talk about a traffic jam!

  8. The free movement does exist and it is a triumph to the EU.  Although we may not all agree with it, and some of us plain hate it, it does exist.  It is beneficial because it allows for the easy travel between the countries with minimal disruption and is also good for tourist traveling throughout Europe as well.  It makes trade much easier and more efficient and increases productivity, which is always something to look for.  But, it does allow for problems as well.  It is more difficult to maintain border security.  While I am not saying that the EU countries are going to go to war with each other, I am saying its more difficult for internal security to catch criminals, terrorists, etc.  It also means that cultures tend to collide as well, and this can be abrupt and painfull.  Some people dont want other cultures moving into their back yard and the free movement of people within the EU is a cause for this.

  9. the free movement exists and i think it is stupid. Terrorists enter  into less controlling countries and move to Germany,Italy,France etc... and they create problems. it is the stupidest plan that have been created in the 21st century

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