
What is your opinion on the latest success of our great military?

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The death of a top commander accused of training the suicide bombers who killed 17 American sailors on the USS Cole.

Al-Qaida: Explosives expert wanted by US killed




  1. Well done!

    The western forces have had many successes, actually.

    Due to the Patriot Act and security needs, most of these things are not reported.

    Irresponsible liberal-biased reporters in a war zone, totally uncomprehending what is actually going on, would just twist the events anyway, in their own silly cowardly ways. Remember the Tet Offensive, during the Vietnam War?

    Our troops, both in fighting and in training, have done unprecedentedly good work.

    In only a few years, we have helped Iraq towards democracy, made it possible to have free elections, elect a representative government, and rebuild its security forces.

    The Iraqi army is now approaching its pre-war numbers, and 10% of their army is now able to mount their own operations. Their police force is improving too, with them now able to hunt down a few of the Al Quaeda criminals on their own.

    The majority of their army is still a "joke", though.

    They obviously need more time, as their units gradually replace American and coalition soldiers, as COMPETENT Iraqi units become available.

    This means NO timetables.

    The obvious stupidity is in announcing to the ENEMY our military troop intentions. Nobody does that in war. That is an idiot lawyer thing to do. Terrorists only have to wait, to restart their civil war.

    Those who preach this stupidity will doom a new democracy, and be ultimately responsible for genocide between the Sunnis and Shiites.

    They will ultimately be responsible for the breakup of Iraq, and the establishment of 3 states, none of which will be strong enough to take care of its own security, while at the same time allowing the Al Quaeda terrorists to possibly take over one of them.

    A hasty, stupidly executed withdrawal will be a major propaganda victory for Al Quaeda, as it will be constantly ranted about on Al Jazeera TV.

    "We defeated the Great Satan (us)! We will win! Allu Akbar! Jihad!"

    Due to the poor or hopelessly twisted education of the average Pakistani, or other fool in a madrassa, the NATO units in Afghanistan will be flooded with a tide of brainwashed madmen.

    No one wants to join a loser. If we make Al Quaeda winners, we will have let them enflame the whole Middle East in Jihad.

    For those more dense Obamabots, one of those coutries under threat from Al Quaeda is Saudi Arabia. That is where a lot of our oil comes from. 40% of the world's oil sails by Iran, within Iranian missile range.

    How would you like NO OIL?

  2. Hey 'No far Left..." I LOVE your picture!

    I love our husband is on his 5th deployment. He has 10 yrs in...he's truly a hero~like all of our brave men and women in uniform!!!!!!!

    They ROCK!

  3. Semper Fi!!!

  4. I love it!!  God bless our American heroes!!  Support our troops through thick and thin!!

  5. Good job.

  6. Inconsequential

  7. Any success by U.S. military is worthy of praise and gratitude from ALL Americans!  The most amazing accomplishment of the U.S. military over all in the past 6 years is that they/it has continued to produce such great victories over mideast oppressors despite all the abusive criticism and exploitation trying to tear down their efforts and accopmlishments.  What great and commendable leaders we have in this part of our national leadership.

    The many many soldiers who have carried out difficult and dangerous orders while knowing that huge numbers of Americans are against them makes me admire them tremendously. We are indebted to them and their fine families for their sacrifices on our behalf.

    I am proud of my country and my president.  It is not easy to do the "right thing" when so many around you are tearing you down.  The fact that our great military has been able to do so is what makes them such great heroes.  Historians will someday review this time in America's past and realize that these valiant individuals have saved our nation from destruction oppression and tyranny.  I pray the good work that has been done in the last 6 years will be allowed to continue so that we may remain strong enough to rebuild our nation into the great force it has been in the world. We need our military strong and our president resolute.  May our critics come to an understanding of this truth.  May the Lord keep us this way.  

  8. Bravo, Way to go. I hope they keep it up and leave a dust bowl over there.  

  9. Success??? You are kidding right??

    Nothing against the fine men and women who are fighting and dying....but how is any of this mess a success...

    We are applauding a war of attrition....

    Our troops dont deserve to be put in these ridiculous situations....

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