
What is your opinion on the legal drinking age?

by Guest56488  |  earlier

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im getting sick and tired of minors ( 18 and below ), drinking and getting drunk, and getting hurt, and getting abused by it, ( raped and other bad things ), i think that the legal drinking age should be raised to at least 21, maybe higher. people who are 13-18, shouldnt be drinking beer or wine or anything that has alchohol in it in the the first place.

what is ur take on it?




  1. It's actually absurd to have a drinking age. But, we need to have one. Eighteen should be the age since you can enlist in the military, vote and assume other responsibilities. Making it 21 just doesn't fit.

    I agree that too many underage kids have too much access to alcohol but changing the legal age won't change that.

  2. I'm living in Ireland and it's 18.

    And what the h**l.

    I had my first drink when I was really young.

    But I went out drinking when I was 12!!

    I'm sixteen now.

    I think its ok to drink at any age as long as you try to do it in a responcile way.


  3. It IS 21!!! Hello.....

  4. Where do you live?

    Here in the USA it's 21.

    Teenagers are going to acquire illegal substances, anyway. Maybe they should make the driving age higher.

  5. Where I live, the legal age is 21. I think it is a fine standard. I do however think there should be one exceptionn to this, if you join full, active duty military with a minimum of three year contract, the age should be 18 for you.

  6. i think that as soon as you are in high school you should be able to drink..but only a certain amount.

    when it is illegal for minors to drink, it just makes them want to do it more, because they know they aren't supposed to.

    in my option as long as you can handle the responsibilities of drinking, you should be allowed to.

  7. Well, here in the USA the drinking age is 21. For the most part, it really doesn't matter because a lot of young kids (including myself when I used to be under 21) would drink anyway.

    But I agree, that there are a lot of immature kids out there that can't handle there drinking (and adults too). It all depends on the individual.

  8. I thought it was 21 (USA) . . .

  9. Im in Australia and the legal drinking age here is 18

  10. if your old enough to go over seas and kill you should be old enough to drink if you live and support yourself you should have a beer if you live with your parents and don't ever do any thing you shouldn't get anything

  11. If your old enough to kill a man (in the military), you should be able to have a drink.

  12. If you make the drinking age 21, there's still rapes and abuse, they're just happening with older people.

    Sadly enough the kinds of people who don't drink responsibly and enjoy getting drunk don't get any smarter just because you don't let them do it for three more years.

  13. It is 21...we must not be in the same country..I think 21 is a good age..but I also think that if you are old enough to serve in the military (18) then you should be old enough to drink...

  14. I think if at 18 you can make a choice and join the service and die for your should be responsible enough to buy your own booze. In jax Fla the leader of MADD got a DUI after an office party but, she only had a few drinks. Funny others do it and it's crucify....she does it and it's just an office party hangover?

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