
What is your opinion on the overcrowding of prisons in the United States? How can it be remedied?

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What is your opinion on the overcrowding of prisons in the United States? How can it be remedied?




  1. I agree that a lot of them should be there.  The easiest way to reduce the population in prisons would to be legalizing drugs which make up a good portion of the jail population.

  2. Put them in tents like Sherrif Joe in Arizona did.

  3. Throw the No Child Left Behind initiative under the bus. Cut out stupid school curriculums like women sports, band, golf, swimming, art, drama, Latin club, debate society to shore up the state-owned prisons and build more prisons. Politicians champion prisons.

    With the money saved from the education budget, take the little kiddies on frequent field trips to the prisons. In 12 years or so, the demand for prisons will have subsided. Little voters will begin to realilze politicians should champion another cause.

  4. Decriminalize marijuana.

  5. Give the Chinese a few dollars to let them serve their time in Chinese Jails.

  6. Send them to Iraq!

  7. Two ways - make prisons a real deterrent to crime (aka Joe Arpaio's tent cities) and remove the inmates who don't belong there by allowing earlier parole for non-violent offenders, and by deporting non-citizens.

  8. Send 'em to Iraq and Afghanistan

  9. I believe that rather than finding more space to accommodate criminals, we should work on creating a better society which has less wrong doers. You see, prevention is better than cure. If we can curb the crime, then there will be no need for an extra thousand prisons.

    Therefore, rather than asking ourselves what to do to hold these people, we should be asking ourselves how we can help them.

    A perfect world would be one without crime. But since we're as far from that as I am from marrying Alessandra Ambrosio then it's best we work on a remedy for the criminals, not their lock up locations.

  10. Decriminalize marijuana, get all people who have committed no crime other than smoking an herb out of there. You'd be amazed at how many people are costing various states around $60,000 a year to take care of them, and they're in for a silly mandatory minimum sentence.

    Not that I'm advocating drugs, I've never used any, but it doesn't take a scientist to realize that marijuana is much less harmful than tobacco and alcohol.

    Decriminalizing it would also allow various states to tax it at a hefty rate which would pump a lot of money into struggling states' budgets.

  11. Prisoners should be subjected to hard labor.  They can give back some of what they have taken from society.  Hard labor 6 days per week.  Sunday, a day of rest and hopefully worship.

  12. Legalize drugs

  13. build more prisons.

  14. We have systems in place and for whatever reason they are not working. We need to really look at what we have and make use of it. We should start teaching our young ones more so we don't continue this this high rate. We can do much better. So much hate and no care for each other. This subject could go on and on. I get very angry on both ends. I want to help those behind bars but yet I don't do any of the thing that they have done to get there. I know we can do this. Our children shouldn't have to face these kind of problems. I believe God has a plan for us. We all have to be on board with it.

  15. It cost us tax-payers alot of money.

    give all of them a gun and send them to Iraq,with no way back.

  16. 1.  Since victimless crimes are unconstitutional, stop enforcing them.

    2.  Make non-violent offenders pay restitution to their victims rather than watch TV in prison for a few years.

    3.  Institute the Death Penalty for all felony crimes of violence, and execute the SOBs or, failing that because we have sooo many gutless people who boo-hoo about it, sentence those criminals to Death in Prison meaning, you can check out any time you like but you can never leave!

  17. Killing all terrorist, Kill them all.

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