
What is your opinion on this issue?

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In schools children who are caught bullying other children are reprimanded in a manner not conducive to help these improvise upon their behaviour. Such children are given punishment but does that really help a child to get rid of his bullying behaviour. I think there should be special therapistsin all schools to probe into the child's behaviour in a very frienndly manner as this will help the child to spill out the beans as to what exactly compels him or her to resort to bullying. Such children actually deserve the love and attention which unfortunately they don't get.




  1. Great idea in theory...would never work though.   Most schools run on a tight budget as it is.  Very few could afford something like this.

  2. They should go to counseling but not have a therapists probe their behavior.

    People act differently when they know they are being watched.

  3. I don't understand why people think schoosl should provide everything. (I'm not saying this directly to you, but to a lot of people in general on this board). Free day care in high schools and colleges for young moms, school therapists, people who wipe kindergardener's butts for them because they aren't potty trained yet, etc??

    What happened to parents responsibility? I'm not saying every bully has "bad" parents, but it's their job to take the kid to therapy. schools don't get much money, and it pisses me off sometimes that the money they get is spent helping a minority of kids who are having problems instead of contributing to everyone else with new classroom equipment or something?

    Sorry, kind of a rant..

  4. Schools often take a wrong stand in this issue. all children deserve consideration & attention

  5. tisssssssssu

  6. You are right, but are you going to put up the money to pay for these good professional threapists to keep them working in the schools?

    It isn't my job to raise 'little timmy' down the street and if I report his parents nothing useful is done.  That is the way it is here in America at this time.  We don't value our natural resources or our children.

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