
What is your opinion on this?

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"I used to think abut a non-Indian as a hero, because they…could achieve that success. You're picking out people that are lower profile, that are just making a difference. It's not… the movie stars—the high profile people—that really count." --Quote

I really want to know what you think about this and what kind of hero you adore.




  1. Read the book that JFK wrote (or ghost-wrote) "Profiles in Courage".

    Those in the book are people that I admire.

  2. I agree, you just hear about the famous people who make a difference.

    I'm my own hero.

    I had something else to say...but I forgot, sorry.  

  3. Dichotomies:

    1) Cowboy vs Indian

    2) Americans vs Communinst

    3) Republican vs Democrat

    4) Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice


    Hollywood has romanticized most of the above, and implies into our Reality that if you don't pick one side your definitely for the other; or as ideology would have us believe "If your not for us, your against us."..

    Well I'm here to say: Bul***, both sides at times have truths that need to be acknowledged, but more often then not they both have stigmas or prejudices of the other side that need to be confronted and resolved as well.

    Hegel states it thusly: 'The truth is found neither in Thesis nor Antithesis, but an emerging Synthesis of the two.'

    We are intellectually immature think that all people and all ideas are grouped into black/white, right/wrong.. this doesn't dismiss that real acts of hate and violence can't be 100-percent destructive, but there are variables that should be considered in prevention from the next act from being committed.


    That being said, I always appreciated Heroes that either fictional or historical took the time to read between the lines and took action to be pro-humanity.. in their quest for resoulution to any problem.. individual or otherwise.

    Fictional: may include MacGyver

    Historical: Martin Luther King JR, Ghandi, Lincoln, etc.

  4. I adore the kind of hero that makes changes on the human level...the ones who go the extra mile to allieviate the pain and suffering of others in their environment just because they can. Two that come to mind right away : my father and my lover. Heroes, both. To me.  

  5. The sun.

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