
What is your opinion on this statement without the 12 million undocumented, this country will fall?

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As well as the other answers she provides?Read more @ link

Q: Why did you decide to live here and defy a deportation order?

A: We have to show the government that we are many, we are strong, we are humans and that we deserve respect in this country. There's a concept that we're criminals or living on welfare or Social Security. There are millions of cases in the U.S. (like me). The majority are forced out of their countries of origin because of trade policies created with this system of government.

Q: Why aren't the presidential candidates talking about immigration?

A: Because we can't vote for them. We're undocumented. (Also), it's a competition ... the one who touches the topic the least will have the most votes.

Q: If you could vote in the presidential election, who would you vote for and why?

A: Maybe (Barack) Obama. I think that he would govern with humanity.

Q: If you could have the ideal immigration reform, what would it have?

A: The first and the most important: reunite families. The most important thing is to stop violating the rights of children who are U.S. citizens. We need to re-negotiate NAFTA. ... Specifically, they can help farmers and help stimulate (the value) of local products like corn, flour, milk and sugar (in Mexico).

Q: Does that (policy) include learning English?

A: Yes, it's necessary for a day-to-day basis, but it's not possible for everyone. We can learn a little by little. But to force, "English-only" in the whole country, that's not fair also.

Q: Have you learned English?

A: The basics, but not much else.

Q: What would you say to people who say you're a criminal?

A: They have to study and learn about the situation, about the problem of immigration, why we are here ... They should be aware that without the 12 million undocumented, this country will fall.




  1. I  think you should call  them illegal not undocumented they are  in this country illegally and not just missing documentation,come back legally and work the jobs we don't want.For reuniting children no child born in this country by an illegal  should also be illegal not a citizen or should go back to their parents country until they are 21 and can come back into this country. but how much we fight it is lost this is Mexico north and it's not going to change just get more crowded

  2. The statement overlooks one thing. 90% of the illegals in the country today entered since 1990 after the 1986 Regan amnesty.

    So the question how the heck did we manage without them before they hijacked our country?

    The easy answer is employers had to pay wages high enough to attract workers.

    Farm labor jobs used to pay a livible wage. My grandfather earned enough money as a farm laborer when he was young to buy his own farm.

    So the answer is some greedy corporate growers that have been illegally using scab labor will have to start following the law.

  3. Not at all, But it sends more $$$'s out of the country. The people that come to the USA, Should go back and force their own nation to improve their living conditions. The USA is just a relief valve for Mexico.

  4. Bullshi... you are felons and will be caught sooner or spend all your money while you can and get the h**l out of my country.

  5. this is just about the most ridiculous, bleeding heart thing ive ever heard! what a load of bull. it just sickens me that these people expect (no, DEMAND) to be catered to!!

    ohhh, i think theyve already gotten plenty of respect from PC politicians!

    .....they need to head HOME and say these exact words to THEIR government......."We have to show the government that we are many, we are strong, we are humans and that we deserve respect in this country."

  6. 12 million is a low estimate, its more like 30 million

  7. I certainly don't support them breaking our laws. However, I do believe our government is responsible for most of it. Republicans and corporate America, looks on it a cheap, slave labor. The Democrats and liberals, as a way to pay for social security and entitlements.

    Mexico and the U.S. both claim NAFTA is costing them manufacturing jobs. Truth is, technology is replacing those jobs. I have no problem with immigration reform. Americans are not anti-anyone, anti immigrant. We just want the border secured first, then work on immigration reform.

  8. WTF are you asking? Opinion on their first statement? Anyway, I'll just answer your first question. "They", the illegals had nothing to do with building this nation up, why would it "fall" after their departure?

  9. The country won't fall without them - it will fall if they continue to stay here and undercut citizen workers.  I'm so tired of people saying that illegals are doing the jobs we won't do.  They're doing it for less than any of us would be paid to do it.  Hey, I can do your job as well as you and will work for half the pay.  That's undercutting.  That's destroying the economy.

  10. No one deserves respect who sneaks into our country illegally.

    The presidential candidates, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum on immigration are tap dancing around the issue of illegal immigration but I will guarantee you this: the first one who mentions that he favors an amnesty for illegals will go down to a crushing defeat.

  11. My opinion is that it's simply not true. This nation is falling because of the illegals,without them we would become great once again.

  12. Just another example of why we should just ship people to jail and then to their country of origin. Given a chance they will just make matters worst!

    If the she doesn't like it here she can go back to Mexico! She should shut the **** up! "I come here happily commit crimes and then bad mouth the US for not kissing my ***"? Her *** should be KICKED back to Mexico!

    Why are christian Church's so intent on helping criminals? Why don't they spend their time and money helping people BEFORE they become criminals?

    ICE should just go in and haul her *** out and across the border. When the church stops getting involved in politics THEN we can have a separation of church and state. Until then if the church wants to be involved in politics then we should be allowed to go and get criminals out of churches!

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