
What is your opinion on this story San Diego honoring 'La Raza'?

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A California-based immigration reform activist says the city of San Diego is honoring an organization that advocates policies that aren't in the best interests of the United States.

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders and two members of the city council sponsored the declaration that makes today (July 8, 2008) "National Council of La Raza Day" in San Diego. The city is hosting the organization's national convention July 12-15.

Rick Oltman is the national spokesman for Californians for Population Stabilization. He points out that the name La Raza translates into "The Race."

"They're an advocacy group for open borders and not enforcing the law, and for a particular race," he states. "They call all of us racist who want to enforce the law. It is a special-interest group whose interests are counter to the benefit of the United States."




  1. Yes, this group needs to be cut off from all our "best effort" funding of immigrant support. Our taxes give these goons millions of dollars in aid yearly to faust their "racism" upon us. I have hear personal stories of newsmen being threatened when they did "truth" stories on this group. Hit guys, roughing them up and warning them more bad press or else.

    Starting to feel like pre fall Russia or Germany a few years ago. This group LaRaza is vomit invoking. I read the other day that the bank Wachovia just gave these folks as a grant millions of dollars to do their evil against us.

    Check out the site:

    America might as well just hang it up and prepare for the bad old days to arrive. With enemies of the states being funded and encourage by the like of these people at the bequest of OUR LEADERS, the USA will be torn with all the negative emotions possible for humanity shortly.

    Hint: It won't be a good place to raise your children. Assuming they even survive it.

  2. More proof that our politicians care more about illegals than  US citizens!!

  3. Translation into "the race"... How about getting to know their language, culture, history, and their struggle before you begin making ignorant accusations.

  4. San Diego is facing many issues right now with increasing crime and traffic, fires, pollution etc.. Illegals seem to be taking over,Is this what the rest of America has to look foreward to?

    Edit* Illegal Aliens Declare War on the United States

    By Douglas MacKinnon

    Wednesday, August 1, 2007

    While the current administration, as well as Democrats and Republicans in Congress, focus on the war on terror and the war in Iraq, a greater real-time threat to our way of life and the rule of law in the United States, is manifesting itself just down the road a bit from the White House and the Capitol building . In Prince William Country, Virginia, illegal aliens have just basically declared war on the county, law and order, and the very livelihood of innocent Americans. They have done so, and no one in Washington really seems to care.

    In the upside down world that is now our nation, these illegal aliens are outraged that the county is now trying to stem their overwhelming influx and the crushing burden their mass migration imposes on already strained county services. As hard as it may be to believe, these illegal aliens and their supporters, have become so enraged that the county is trying to uphold the law, that they have decided to attack the county on a number of levels.

    Just last week, thousands of illegal and legal Hispanics living in the county met to plan their response to the rule of law. Voting with raised fists, they decided to punish the county trough a boycott of non-immigrant businesses, a labor strike, and a lawsuit. Town by town, city by city, county by county, these illegal aliens and the far left lawyers that are eagerly facilitating their lawsuits, plan to chip away at the sovereignty of the United States. And as they do, many of our elected officials and leading “news” organizations, are cheerleading them on from the sidelines.

    Before the supporters of this illegal invasion demonize me, let me say again, that I am married to a Hispanic-American, I speak Spanish, and am not threatened one bit, by the culture. In fact, I think legal Hispanic immigrants add much to the fabric of our nation.

    Illegal immigration however, represents a growing threat to our nation in a number of areas. Not the least of which, being crime. As an example, the police and people of Houston, Texas, are now dealing with organized gangs of illegal aliens from Mexico who are carrying out “express kidnappings” of the local citizens.

    An “Express Kidnapping” being when someone is snatched off the street, driven to an ATM to drain their account, forced to have a family member bring down any money or valuables in the home as ransom, and then many times, still shot in the head and left by the side of the road. My wife’s family has fallen victim to a number of these kidnappings.

    “Express Kidnappings” have been perfected in Mexico City, Caracas, Venezuela, and a number of large South American cities, and are now being exported to our nation. If you have not heard of them, don’t worry, they will soon be coming to your town.

    In closing, the message from these illegal aliens and their supporters could not be more clear. “If you dare try to uphold the laws of your nation, state, county, or town, we will sue you, bankrupt your legal business, go on strike against you, and broaden our borders deeper into your nation. And we will do all of this with the assistance of your federal politicians, your mainstream media, and your lawyers. We will wait you out and we will win.”

    Win they may because no one is coming to the rescue. The federal government has abandoned us on this issue. Those politicians are selling their souls for votes that will never come.

    Your only hope -- our only hope -- is that state and local officials will make a principled stand against this lawless invasion. If not, the United States of America may soon become but a faint memory.

    Douglas MacKinnon was press secretary for former Senator Bob Dole and is the author of America's Last Days .

  5. it was about time.

  6. Next month is n**i month and then Rwandan Genocide month and then... These people must be on drugs!

  7. It is making my breakfast come back up.

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