
What is your opinion on what this poem means?....?

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a pretty a day by E. E. Cummings

a pretty a day

(and every fades)

is here and away

(but born are maids

to flower an hour

in all,all)

o yes to flower

until so blithe

a doer a wooer

some limber and lithe

some very fine mower

a tall;tall

some jerry so very

(and nellie and fan)

some handsomest harry

(and sally and nan

they tremble and cower

so pale:pale)

for betty was born

to never say nay

but lucy could learn

and lily could pray

and fewer were shyer

than doll. doll




  1. I think it means that everybody has exceptional qualities both good and bad . Whatever is outside is not a full truth everyone has a soul (could be good, bad or even worse)

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