
What is your opinion on women serving in the military?

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I am doing my college graduation project on this subject. Any and all input welcome.




  1. Some Central Asian cultures see Rape of the enemy as a legitimate Battlefield tactic. It does not matter the gender either. Factor that for a moment. That is reality. If you cannot handle reality it will handle you. This stupid question keeps coming up.

    IF Women in the US and the West object to Sexual Harassment and treatment of Women by US and coalition Forces. How will  they handle the Sodomy and Raping they will receive if captured by the enemy? Like Jessica Lynch endured at the hands of her captors.

    Truth is that it is about Cardiovascular capacit.y. The modern Combat infantry carries 125 lbs. of Gear and a full combat load of ammunition. A 25 year old Woman has the same Cardio capacity as a 50 year old Male. And close quarters battle still requires upper Body Strength. More Women engaged will equal more Women and Men dying.

    Why are Feminists so concerned about "Their Rights" over the lives of our Troops? Malignant Narcissism is the root of Feminism. I will get what I want who cares who else is hurt. Stupidity in this line of questioning is truly eye opening and shows a real lack of insight in those asking the questions.

  2. It's admirable.

    Keeping women out of it is stupid (since many of them are very good at it) and wrong (since it means telling adult humans that "No, you can't choose to do this, honey, it's for your own good!")

  3. I would never encourage a female family member to join, except in the Air Force.  The AF has opportunity for women in health and computer related occupations(that stress into real future civilian careers).  Plus women don't do combat in the AF, unless they are jetfighter pilots.  

    The other branches are less sophisticated and require some form of combat.  I don't care for combat in todays era where we have highly technology and should be using.

  4. They begged women to join the military in WWII. So  don't complain about it now.

  5. I think its great, and it proves that not all women are weak.

  6. Having been in the military and seen women in all branches of the service, I know that they can do the job as well as any man. Some get over on being female but most are absolute professionals and I had no problems serving beside them.

    If a man can go to war for his country, so can a women.

    That's real equality!

  7. i think it is patriotic............theyhave many ground posts for wowen thesedays

  8. It's fine, but not in combat.  For the most part, they lack the strength and endurance required.  Why else are there different physical standards in the service for men and women?

    LMAO at all you thumbs-downers.  I ask you, who do you want to have YOUR back in a firefight after a 3 day march with 40 pound packs?  A 21 year-old man in his physical prime or a female of any sort?

  9. Allowing women to serve (including in combat roles) would be beneficial to any branch of the military. It would increase the number of soldiers greatly and provides women with the right to have a choice. It's wrong to totally deny women combat roles "for their own good". I am quite certain that any healthy adult can decide what is in his or her best interest. The notion that women are too "soft" or combat is sexist and false. It is true that women are generally weaker than their male counterparts, but there are plenty of exceptions. Put a screening process into place, and you have an effective way to find the exceptions. It makes much more logical sense to allow for the possibility than to entirely rule it out.

  10. Women have the same right to serve in the military as any man, and I would be proud to serve my nation on the battlefeild. But each individual should keep in mind their own temperments. Women are more inclined to be emotional, so putting them in a situation where they are opening machine gun fire on children who ahve been forced into military service may not be a good choiuce for them. But the woman may be flinty and as tough as old leather. Its all about personal abilities

  11. I think that it's great to see women that have the courage and dedication that comes with bein in the military. I think that they're just as capable as men are, and have strengths that men don't have that could help the military act more effectively.

  12. We are so much better than men on any level; we don’t like to show up the boys

    Also there are some jealousy that exist, it is understandable

    AS we are strong, we are WOMEN!

  13. I think its Great because it shows you a Woman can do anything a Man can ,,from a US Air Force Wife

  14. there's nothing sexier than a woman saving my life. ;-)

  15. I know that females are generally unfit for combat but in the interest of egalitarianism, I'd advocate the creation all female combat units. Women have as much responsibility to defend their country. A level of segregation is necessary to reduce the variety of negative effects on moral this brings.

    I'd implement a compulsory service system where every person of age undergoes military training. Both males and females. Then, they are eligible for conscription in case of national crisis but only to defend the homeland. Males and females who are unfit for duty would be exempt but pay an additional amount in taxes. Perhaps 3-5%.

  16. I think it's not for me and I don't like it. What other girls do is up to them, not me.

  17. Why do some women refuse to admit that women simply do not have the physical strength and endurance that men have? "A woman can do anything a man can do" - simply not true.

  18. From my personal experience in the US Navy! Women have great places in the military from yes the kitchen, to any computer station, from fixing them to reading them, working the motors of the ship, steering the ship, and of course many of the same jobs on land as on the ship (just don't have much experience in that part). Everyone ultimatically thinks a woman shouldn't be in the military because of ground combat, but with how far the military has come, it shouldn't even be in a person's mind unless they are a woman wanting to physically be in the fight. There are so many jobs to make the military function that there is no reason to not have women in.

    However, as I was told by one man and since watched to see if he was just being sexist, but found rather true, was that once a woman comes into the division, the men act differently, trying to impress her, acting stupid; Basically tending to forgo their job to get her attention, whether or not they are interested in her sexually.

    But in the end, being a breastfeeding mom now out of the service and not re-enlisting when my time was up after having my daughter (know that I didn't get out early because of having a child, but did all my obligated time active and inactive) I wholly believe in the thought that caring for your child, as in not using daycare when you financially don't have to, should be priority. So, to get out of the military to care for your child after having fulfilled your signed contract. But also in my opinion, family men shouldn't be in the military either, though I know many of them joined to provide for their families. I just more so see the military great for single members all in all!

    Oh and almost forgot, many thoughts on women in combat are spawned from us having monthly periods. I remember my mom once saying that if a woman wants to do this or be on an all women submarine, they should first have devices placed in them to stop all periods/ pregnancies for when serving in co-ed ground units (pretty sure someone has that somewhere). And if they do not want this, then they shouldn't be allowed these positions. I personally think maybe this should be the norm for women onboard ships as well since I saw so many get pregnant their first year, just to get off the ship and out of Japan. Men don't have the option to get pregnant so why do women have the opportunity to get out of their orders?

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