
What is your opinion??

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What does the word science mean to you? I have a assignment to do on this and your answers are very helpful! I just want to know what science means to you. The actual question is "What is science?" But I need opinions. Please Help Me!!! Thanks




  1. I disagree with The Photographe.  You do need to have opinions in order to advance science.  New ideas are what keeps science advancing, while at the same time rejecting previous misconceptions.  You see, scientists come up with some wild idea that is not necessarily based on hard fact, yet test the said idea to see if it is in fact true.  If the hypothesis does not hold up under scrutiny, then it's back to the drawing board.

  2. The facts and tests on life and this world around us.

    Like.. It's not usually opinionated.  You can't "think" something about science,  it's either true or not  

  3. Well, YOU should be answering that question since it is directed to you. Don't get so serious, it's just asking your opinion. Well, to me, science is the study of how things work. The scientific method: Observe, Ask Question, Make a Hypothesis, Test It, Share Data, etc...

  4. It is one word that undergoes a lot of explanations. It is discovery, it is the brain calculating anything this world has to give, and sorting out its kinks.  
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