
What is your opinion...?

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after reading the following:

Do you feel that undocumented immigrants should be given legal status or not? If not, what other options would you offer?

Without degrading anyone's race or country of origin, please state why you feel the way you do and support your statement.




  1. No they should not be given legal status because the very first thing they did was break our laws. Which in my opinion shows a complete contempt for our country. The second thing they do is break another law by stealing another persons identity and getting fake social security cards so they can work.

    In Calif. alone hundreds of hospital emergeny rooms have had to be closed because it cost so much to provide free medical care for illegals. Should law abiding citizens who pay the taxes be able to have an emergeny room near them instead of having to go long distances to get to one?

    The cost of special programs to teach the children of illegal immigrants is another huge problem. This means that money that should be spent on the kids of the people who pay the taxes and follow the laws instead gets spent on teaching the kids of illegal immigrants english.

    The thousands of people that do it legally should be rewarded and the ones who do it illegally should be deported.

    Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers millions of dollars and are a huge drain on the economy. They bring down the wages of jobs that many americans do. Just look at the construction industry in states that have large illegal immigrant populations.

  2. No, illegal aliens should not be given legal status.They have already shown themselves to be criminals and can not be trusted. They do not deserve to be rewarded for their behavior,they deserve punishment. The only option is deportation.

    They bring only negative to this country.

  3. I do not expect a pardon from the governor for breaking into someone's house, because I needed the food, clothes, etc.  It is unfortunate that people do not realize the economic impact illegals are having in our country.  I have even seen people quote inaccurate "facts and statistics" about how illegal immigration is improving our country.  Then we have people who claim we stole the land in the first place.  No, we didn't.  Our ancestors did.  And they brought slaves.  Times have changed, and that is no longer a valid argument.  

    There should be no amnesty given, only punishment.  Why do illegals continue to flood into our country?  Because they are well aware, as past has proven that they can demand anything they want to, and if they hide long enough, we give them citizenship.  Hundreds of thousands of illegals were protesting in our streets, and less than 100 arrests were made because of their right to protest.  I don't see that right in the Mexican laws.  They aren't here legally, they aren't entitled to assistance, housing, education, money, rights or protection.

  4. No, they should not be given legal status.  There are many law abiding potential immigrants who are doing things legally.  The illegals should get in line BEHIND those doing things legally.

  5. YES! give them legal status. Our economy is bad enough right now, and if more were to leave or get deported, things would really get worst. Companies would really feel the hurt, jobs would be lost to outsourcing, less taxes would be paid, less money would be coming into the economy. But anybody with a criminal record should  be denied.

  6. Let everybody in.

  7. I don't believe anyone has degraded anyone race, country or Origin.  I do believe the pro illegal aliens have actively tried to call anyone who worries about the cost, the crime and the cultural difference... racist.  That, all by its self, is wrong.


    When illegal aliens initially came to this country, they could not get a drivers license, they were apprehended, and returned to their country of origin.

    When the ability to make excellent identifications with the Personal Computer showed up, the illegal aliens began using those fake I.D.s, and coming in what is  now called, an invasion.

    We have controlled that now.  You cannot fake the 'real I.D.' with any easy means, although I would be astonished if the drug peddlers don't find a way to do something.  In any case, most of the illegal aliens in this country are using fake I.D.s.  THAT is the only way in the world you can stay here for any period of time longer than six months.  I would also point out that using a fake I.D. is a felony offense in addition to being morally wrong.

    Because we don't know how many, or what sort of I.D.'s the illegal aliens have, they all must be deported and for a minimum of six months.  We have been doing research on the issue.. it could be it will require a year before some welfare accounts can be closed.

    One thing that needs to be done along these lines is... we need to call anyone on a welfare program back in and ask them to bring a real I.D.  If they don't have one, or cannot get one, they should be withdrawn from the welfare programs, and investigated.

  8. I did not read the article, but I would like to answer.

    I honestly believe that it should be done on a case-by-case basis.  If a married couple here legally bring in a parent of one of them to watch the children when necessary, and this person is in no way a drain on the economy (doesn't otherwise work, no government services for health care, etc), then I have no problem allowing that parent to stay, pay a minor fine, and provide a path to citizenship.

    There are also cases where a child came to this country legally but has not been informed that their status has changed when they became an adult.  I have no problem with them getting enough assistance to provide them a path to be here legally and to citizenship.

    If they are here illegally, arrived here that way, and working or collecting public assistance, bring charges and prosecute.

    I feel this way because my paternal grandmother was born in Poland in 1908 and brought here by her parents in 1910.  She married a man who was born in Missouri and raised 5 American children, my father included.  When Grandfather died in 1961, my grandmother immediately became in illegal.  She died in 1977, and her status at that time never changed from 1961.  Never once did she collect Social Security, and her children took care of all expenses not paid for by the house she lived in all those years (it was a two-family house and she rented an upstairs apt).  I would be rather angry at a government that would have denied me her love and her knowledge, as well as some great food.

  9. If you want to enter a country then do it legally otherwise why should you get legal status there are plenty of people waiting to migrate legally and they should get priority over illegals who should be sent back to country of origin immediately.

  10. they should because i mean tehy are people to they are suffering from high gas prices they came here to gte a better life because in thir country they could not gte what they want so i mean why do people treat them like they are not humans thye are humans thye follow the rules who cars about you're status and hey take a poll about why people are so rac ist

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