
What is your opinoin?

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Give you opinion regarding the question "Was simply aa guarantee of 'supernatural providence' in exchange for obedience, or did the very commands of God contain instructions that would protect the children of Israel from the diseases that spread so easily among the Egyptians?

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  1. mmm.. oh i know it means you have no life.

  2. Is this about the 10 plagues? When the Egyptian firstborns were killed?

    I think there's no such thing as supernatural providence or divine protection. The Bible, including the Old Testament, is a historical document that in my opinion is an interesting view on how life was like a few millenia ago, but that shouldn't be taken literally.

    Some interpretations of the tenth plague:

    (plague 10—death of the firstborn)

        * If the last plague indeed selectively tended to affect the firstborn, it could be due to food polluted during the time of darkness, either by locusts or by the black mold Cladosporium. When people emerged after the darkness, the firstborn would be given priority, as was usual, and would consequently be more likely to be affected by any toxin or disease carried by the food. Meanwhile, the Israelites ate food prepared and eaten very quickly which would have made it less likely to be infected.

        * The word we know as "firstborn" may have meant the higher social class rather than literally the eldest sons, but the same argument applies.[5]

        * In the 2006 documentary Exodus Decoded, Jewish Canadian filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici hypothesised the selectiveness of the tenth plague was under the circumstances similar to the 1986 disaster of Lake Nyos that is related to geological activities that caused the previous plagues in a related chain of events. The hypothesis was that the plagues took place shortly after the eruption of Thera (now known as Santorini), which happened some time between 1550 BCE and 1650 BCE, and recently narrowed to between 1627-1600 BCE, with a 95% probability of accuracy. Jacobovici however places the eruption in 1500 BCE. According to the documentary, the eruption sets off a chain of events resulting in the plagues and eventually the killing of the first born. Jacobovici suggests that the first borns in ancient Egypt had the privilege to sleep close to the floor while other children slept on higher ground or even on roofs. Like in Lake Nyos, when carbon dioxide or other toxic gases escape the surface tension of a nearby waterbody either due to geological activity or over saturation, the gas being heavier than air, "flooded" the nearby area displacing oxygen and killing those who were in its path. Jewish households escaped the fate because they were told to observe their first Passover rituals.

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