
What is your opionion of people who live like this?

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I am not obsessive about cleanliness. I like things tidy and organised, but a house is still to be lived in and i believe in the old saying "you have to eat a packet of dirt before you die"

But, when i see people living in squalor like this, it just disgusts me.

No offence, but i just think people like this are not all there.

Thank god, the dog in question has been re-homed. Let`s be thankful, there don`t appear to be any children involved.

He might be in a wheelchair, but she is able bodied. But, still no excuse, for their appalling behaviour.




  1. I think they need help  

  2. Typical drug den.....they should be put down and re-home the dog.

  3. you should watch the tv programme how clean is your house that is even worse, they have a problem with the drink i think

  4. well at least they got all the plastic bottles in one place.

  5. I believe "live and let live", however when pets or children are involved, something needs to be done. Also a mess like that must attract bugs, rats and other undesireable, which I would not want around my house.

  6. dont pass jugement on others .each to there own if people are happy living a certain way leave them to it .little bit of ocd going on i think.

  7. You can't credit it can you?  They look reasonably clean themselves and the house looks OK from the outside, and yet.......  The inside is unbelievable.

    Animals clean out their habitat,  The ducks on our local duck pond worked furiously to build a nest in the spring and even decked it out with  a few daffodil heads a human being had ripped up and thrown away.

    Says it all really, it takes animals to show some humans how to live and behave.

    And that poor, poor dog, and a bucket of vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I try & think its best not to judge others - but....I just looked at the article & they either need serious mental help or locking up - I hope the dog  has found the decent owner it deserves

  9. Disgusting, vile scum.  People like those filthy winos should be made to clear all that mess up, AND be heavily fined.  They should also be banned from keeping animals.  

  10. This is a job for Cillit Bang Woman. Get your rubbers on. ;)

    And WTF does "you have to eat a packet of dirt before you die" mean?!?!?

    ||edit|| And for the people who are saying mind your own business well IT BECOMES OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS WHEN ANIMALS ARE STARVING IN SUCH CONDITIONS!!!! FFS

  11. I've seen worse. Yep, I really have. No, I keep my place organized or I could not function. Thanks for asking. Nice question.

  12. The place is disgusting it's one thing living in an untidy home but that is gross some people are just plain filthy and completely lazy

  13. They are disgusting aren't they?

    How did he get his wheel chair to move in that mess?

    I bet they were raking in the benefits!

    The scourge of humanity, I'd say.

  14. I don't mean to seem judgemental or jump to any conclusions here, but i think they may have a bit of a drink problem.

  15. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  16. Good lord, I don't think i've ever seen anything like that. It's beyond disgusting.

  17. I agree with you. No animal or human should have to live like that. She is a lazy woman if she cant keep her home clean and tidy. I never used to be clean and tidy till i got my own house but now i am very house proud.

  18. They should call a recycling center and then take the money and buy the dog a home of his own!

  19. O



    Flea ridden mingers..(puking as i type)

  20. wow that's nasty i wonder if they have mental health problems?

    they definitely drink to much judging by the photo.

    mess up people like this need support to turn their lives around

  21. That is grim! thank goodness the dog has been re-homed poor thing. yuk that has made me wanna go find something to clean.

  22. that is THE most disqustingest house

    i have EVER seen in my life thosse people are either

    on some kind of medication or need some kind of medicaton and to let a poor insinet dog lie it s head on thosse can thosse people need serios help and about the vomit[srry if ur eating] thinq with the dog UNBELIVEABLE makes no sense

  23. Me think they drink too much, someone ought to hire a bull dozer

  24. Where are Kim and Aggie when you need them?  Seriously though, I'm so glad the dog is out of this situation.  Hopefully these people will never be allowed to own any animal.  If they are in social housing, they should be evicted.  I bet they are a nightmare for their neighbours!

  25. How can a dog drink so much beer?   no,  seriously,  how does the guy manage to move his wheelchair through all those bottles and cans?  They obviously have a few problems.

  26. in all honesty mind your own business what dose some one Else's house got to do with u  

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