
What is your oppinion of seatbelt use?

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Do you wear your seat belt? Why or Why Not?

Does this video change your mind?

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  1. I am 100% pro helmet and seatbelt usage.  I spun a car on wet oak leaves at high speed.  It spun three times and I kept it on the road all because I was belted in.  On the other side of the coin my dad rolled a car at very low speed.  When the car went sideways he slid off the seat and was unable to control the car.  I firmly believe that seatbelts not only save lives, they prevent accidents by keeping the driver behind the wheel where s/he can drive the car.

    That said, I would not vote for any law making either manditory.  That may sound silly but I believe in another's right to be stupid far more than I do in the belt and helmet.  IMO the government is not my nanny and I would just as soon they stay out of my business.

  2. I completely agree with seatbelt laws, but not for why most people do. Most people think it is about saving their own life. It isn't. When you get into an intense accident, spinning out, losing control etc. Being held in place by a seatbelt gives you more control of your vehicle. This can prevent OTHER people and passengers from getting hurt.

    Laws to only protect yourself are laws against freedom.

  3. I went through a car windscreen when I was eleven this was before cars were fitted with seat belts. I would never not wear one they are there to save your life.

  4. I believe it is totally lifesaving. And that everyone should wear them if they care about their lives.I HOPE THIS HELPS

  5. I just don't see why people don't do it, except if they don't like being told what to do, but it's really not that big a deal to just put the thing on and forget about it.

  6. It is stupid the way our government handles the use of the seat belt.  I mean the seat belt was first introduced in 1963 model vehicles..And it took the government over 40 years to make it a law to use them.

  7. I wear my seatbelt all of the time, because surveys have shown that a person has a better chance of surviving a crash if they are wearing it. However, I have a friend who was in a bad accident in which the car flipped 2 times, and she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. Ironically she wasn't hurt, but now she believes that she would have died if she was actually wearing her seatbelt. It's all a matter of opinion. Either you side with your gut feeling and your personal experiences, or you side with statistics.

    I personally side with the professionals. I've heard about too many accidents where one person dies because they weren't wearing their seatbelt and their companion lives because they were.

    No, the video does not change my mind.

  8. Can you say partially ejected?

  9. I do....I like to live..

  10. I feel really naked without a seat belt.

  11. I always wear a seat belt. With no exception. It is even more comfortable when you wear a seat belt (without it feels like GreenEarthFriend said), and it protects your life.

  12. As the police say, click it or ticket. It is a good law. It only takes seconds to put it on and it could save your life, are you worth 20 seconds? I think so.

  13. i dont wanna watch that video, but PLEASE, always wear your seatbelt, i've seen what can happen when you dont. please please please, its such a simple thing to put ur seatbelt on, and it realy can save ur life

  14. I watched the video.........very informative.......

    As humans we tend to behave in lazy ways sometimes.

    One oversight or one slight twist of the rules of safety (developed in order to survive vehicular operations), can result in tragic repercussions for yourself, family and friends.

    We all suffer the consequences of our actions, whether they be positive or negative ones..........

    Self-discipline is lacking in society, and so we suffer!

  15. yep i use it cuz it is a lifesaver.

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