
What is your oppinion of the effects of the media on young people (teenagers)?

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What is your oppinion of the effects of the media on young people (teenagers)?




  1. Media does effects one's mind because it influences the person to make opinion (good/ bad) about a particular topic & sometimes overshadows one's own ability to observe things.

  2. it's bad

  3. I don't really think there is much of an effect. Maybe on younger kids like 7-12 years old just because if they see their favorite actor smoking in a movie they'd think it was cool, but teenagers aren't that impressionable. I think what has the most effect on teenagers as far as them getting into trouble with drugs and other illegal doings is just the influences in their life, if they're parents drink a lot or if their parents are there for them, all of the people they hang out with CLEARLY influence them, and what they are around a lot of the time, but I just don't think media has so much of an influence in that aspect.

    As far as teenage girls getting eating disorders and feeling the need to be beautiful, I definitely think that is the media's fault, I know I never feel more insecure then when I'm reading a magazine and all of the celebrities and models are SO beautiful, I mean it's obviously because of all the makeup and photoshopping but it can still really make you feel S****y. But I think that effects all women, not just teenagers.

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