
What is your option on logging?

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im trying to find what the option of logging amonst the general population are thinking

are you on the side of the people who hear the trees screaming or

are you on the side that thinks we need to use the recources we have in a proper manner what is your option




  1. we need to use our resources in a proper manner

    its way better to build a chair outta wood

    instead of plastic

    because wood is a renewable resource while plastic isnt biodegradable and is also a nonrenewable resource

    im not against hippies/activists but trees are to die just like animals and people. i dont want animals not to die i just want them not to be abused.

  2. I think we should not allow logging of old growth forests and rainforests. Some of these trees take thousands or hundreds of years to develope to maturity and only moments to destroy. I think we need to carefully manage our resources, and only obtain logs from certified sustainable sources.

  3. You need to log in order to thing out the Heavy Growth and prevent Forest Fires. Plus we need Wood for building stuff and fuel for heating homes.

  4. Trees are a renewable resource.  Cut one down, plant several others in its place.  The new seedlings will grow.  

    When forests are overprotected, they are in essence, loved to death...


    Because the forest will build up an unnatural level of fuel, resulting in catastrophic wildfires that will destroy everything.  

    Over the past 100 years or so, the policy was to aggressively fight every forest fire.  That policy stopped slow, cooler burning ground fires that would have cleared out the underbrush and dead trees, with only occasional crown fires.  Now, as a result, we've got huge wildfires that routinely jump into the forest canopy and become raging crown fires that will destroy everything.  

    In addition to the fuel build up, forest health has declined due to the overburden of trees and underbrush.  As the tree health has declined, the trees became primed for insect infestation - which is one thing we see a lot of here in the west, where the Bark Beetle has literally killed millions of acres of trees - which are now standing there like so much fuel waiting for the next forest fire...

    It's a vicious circle - and most of it can be traced to the policy of "loving the forest" to death...

  5. I live in the country where there are forest around me. I have 5 acres, 3 acres are wooded. There is logging here, but what people don't understand or they refuse to understand is that the logging companies DO care about the environment. They plant seedlings to reforest an area. It is my opinion that a lot of city folks don't understand mother nature. She will take of herself. The trees would grow back on their own. Here we have a saying about the city folk. They have the Johnny Appleseed mentality when it comes to the forest. They appear to act like someone planted the forest. That's absurd. They forest grow on their own. I have alot of pine trees on my property. They just grow, and I have to thin them out, or they would take over.

  6. If it's done properly it can be pretty low impact.  If you are not going to let fires burn every few decades you need to clear some trees on about the same schedule so too much dead wood does not build up.

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