
What is your outlook towards global warming? Do you think its actually happening?

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What is your outlook towards global warming? Do you think its actually happening?




  1. Global Warming is a fad of concern and possibly exist to a certain degree, although I am not convinced of it's entire events as described by scientists and would be politicians.

    It appears to me as though the only reason Governments have gotten on the band wagon to promote this topic, is merely to blindside the citizens into the other happenings within Government.

    Little is being said in concerns to health, education and housing issues with the focus being directed to Global warming.

    I find it funny in fact , that we seem to put all our beliefs into what scientists are "predicting"  will happen 1,000 years from now, when no one alive now will be here then to dispute or agree with their theories. Given the fact that there is documented proof of the existance of Christ some 2,000 years ago, less people believe in those issues then those who believe scientists today. Also, if scientists are so accurate in their so called tale of future events some thousand years from now, why is it they can't predict accurately the happenings of current weather patterns or natural disastors?

    Governments, also see this issue as a penalty to impose added taxes to consumers for the operation of motor vehicles, which by the way, meet all current and in some cases, future requirements. Needless to say, none of those tax dollars collected for their intended problem will ever find it's way to a solution of the issue they were intended for.

    The space shuttle, when it leaves the earth's atmosphere, does more damage to the ozone layer then all internal combustion engines on the earth do in a 10 year period, yet no Government see fit to penalizing that from happening.

    Although we continue to sink good money into a fruitless efforts of trying to find water or life form on planets that take months to get to , all the while neglecting the issues of starvation and homeless people here on our own neighbourhoods.

    To my way of thinking, we seem to have our priorities all out of whach, when issues that concern us directly are being ignored for issues of little or any factual backing have.

  2. I think its just nature doing its thing.  If you look over hundreds of years temperatures fluctuate, that's just the way things work.  The arguments for and against are many, but it appears that global warming fits nicely into reasons for lots of government programs, while if the earth is getting cooler, money for these programs goes away.  Just a thought...

  3. Lets see...

    Snow in Texas: not once, but for days, accumulating over a foot in places that see snow maybe once a lifetime...

    Record lows hit all over Dixie...

    As previous submitters have attested, record lows all over the place, from Michigan to Spain...

    Here in Georgia, frost after the frost-free date.

    As science (TRUE science- the observing of data and testing of hypothesis,) shows us, the Earth is COOLING, at least on land.

    What I believe is happening is this... As the ozone layer thins, (does so periodically due to cycles,) more photons from the sun hit the earth, which is mostly water.  The water converts the energy from the sun into heat energy, then evaporates.  That gives the air a higher percentage of water vapour.  This increases the formation of clouds.  Clouds then BLOCK the sunlight from reaching the surface, reducing the temperature in the spots under the increased cloud-cover.  It also increases the rainfall in some places, or in Texas, the snowfall!  

    This is my hypothesis.  It explains the changing weather patterns, bizarre temperatures, and melting icecaps, (which ALSO is a cyclical process.)

  4. No, it was brutally cold in Michigan, snowed every day in some part of the state. Just got out of the 50's this week. in other words just like it has always been. Also when I watch football. The fans in Green bay don't look any warmer either. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed again. when i was a kid in the 1990's it snowed on the first day of summer.

  5. I call it global spring break! I wont hafta to go as far to watch Girls Gone Wild!

  6. It is not happening. The Vostok ice core data showing temperature change always preceding CO2 concentration change, the accuracy of computing planetary temperatures using just the blackbody model, and the inaccuracy of computing planetary temperatures using the greenhouse effect model all indicate that the greenhouse effect is either fantasy or negligible.

    This indicates, therefore, that the balance between the incoming solar radiation and the outgoing planetary thermal radiation is all that controls the temperature of the planets. This coupled with the 0.1% variation in solar activity means that planetary mean temperatures are essentially fixed.

    What, then, is the explanation for the various climate disturbances? The global mean temperature is determined by various sources as being somewhere between 5 and 17 degrees Celsius. As we all know, it is colder at the poles than at the equator, so that mean temperature has some variation based on surface location and atmospheric altitude. This begs the question: What would be the effect of a reduction in the positional variance in temperature?

    In the extreme, if the temperature dispersion were zero, that is, every place on the planet was the same temperature; there would be no ice anywhere. This is by definition. If the global mean temperature is greater than zero Celsius and every location on the planet was the same temperature, then no place on the planet would have a freezing temperature and no ice could be supported. Not THAT'S global warming--except the mean temperature has not changed.

    So, apparently, any climate variation is due, not to global warming, but to a change in temperature variation across the globe. Such a change is not due to atmospheric constituency, but to physical mixing in the atmosphere. Climate variation cannot be affected by anything man does--either through increasing carbon dioxide emission or reducing it.

    Happy Earth day. In fact, let's make it multi-cultural and include

    happy Easter Bunny day

    happy Lock Ness Monster day

    happy Sasquatch day

    happy Tooth Fairy day

    happy Goat Sucker day

    happy Bermuda Triangle day

    and, my favorite,

    happy Zero-Point Energy day.

    Why not make it a day for all nut-job theories?

  7. Is is earth heating up, yes.  Is it caused by man, no.  

    While it has not been proved, when one graphs a chart with sun spots, solar flair activity with temperatures, there is a remarkable correlation.  Cause and effect is not proof, but if I was a betting man, my money would be on that.  (I say that because I have no agenda to push).

    Russian scientists who are studying the sun, say sun activity is on a downward trend.  The next cycle will be  the lowest in the last couple of hundred years.  If they are correct we will be in some very cold weather.  So enjoy the warmth while you can.

  8. I live in Spain and there we are breaking all records with peculiar climate shifts. It has been snowing in regions that have not seen snow for over a century and high rain fall in traditionally dry months. The sea temperature last autumn was up by 2 degrees above the season average. I believe that lately due to industrialization of regions  of high population density such as China and India we are now stretching the planets capacity to cope with the excess tonnage of carbon that is poured into our atmosphere. I believe we are on an upward spiral of higher temperatures for the next few years and with 15 years our climate will be so unpredictable that the presence of freaky storms will cause a huge loss of life. I believe we have passed the point of no return now.

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