
What is your perception of New Zealand and New Zealanders?

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I am a New Zealander and I was wondering what other people from other countries think of us and our country. I am also interested in what New Zealanders think of themselves. When you answer can you please tell me what country you are from, thanks!




  1. well.. im from australia.. and personally i love nz people. in fact .. my boyfriend is maori. i lovee how maori people love their culture. i dunnooo there is something about nz people that fasinates me.. lovely people


    im going over to nz in september with my fella.. and im really excited. going to whakatane where he is from. and also aukland. im so keen


  2. We rock, I mean we have Rachel hunter, Savage, All Blacks, Me.... ha

    NZ PRIDE!!!

  3. I am from Texas, and i lived and worked in Invercargill, NZ for son lives there now..he was born there and is a full blown Kiwi Kid (Weet Bix and all lol)...

    NZ is a slower paced type of place, very safe, hardly any violent crime..its scenic beauty is unmatched...peaceful...

    The job market is rough without a high flying type of degree i found..and the cost of living generally seems to be out of whack with the wages..this may have just been the case in Southland though..

    As far as Kiwi's themselves..well i may be a biased American since my oldest son i s a Kiwi as i said, but overall i think they are a very "satisified" people...often very content with their place in the world and in Americans are constantly striving to take the next step up in the food chain...whether it be in finances, careers, church, the cars we drive etc...NZ's just seem to accept their place in the sun more willingly...

    I would also describe Kiwis as a very friendly population, very hospitable...

    No offense, i am just being honest, but i would not usually describe Kiwis as "smart"..this may just be due to my own experience...not saying their dumb or anything, it just isnt the stereotype that comes to mind...for the record i wouldnt describe Americans as smart either lol...

    Kiwis seem to be a very nice, humble, and peaceful people...content, and very proud of their country...


  4. I have to start by saying that I have not been to New Zealand, but my impression of the country and the people is very good.  In fact, my wife and I were considering a move there a couple of years ago.

    New Zealand gets two thumbs up from this Canadian who has been transplanted to the US.

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