
What is your perception of american women? Is it good or bad?

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What is your perception of american women? Is it good or bad?




  1. Being an American woman I'm not sure what an American woman is.  Especially having lived in different regions and socio-economic statuses.  It's like asking if a red car runs good.  We're a very diverse nation and our women don't come in one model.  

  2. Being an American woman probably changes my mind about a lot, but I tend to view them as strong people who have everything against them. American women are constantly the subject of social stereotypes, including the spoiled rich girl, including the stick thin Hollywood ideal. American women have the least amount of say in our government statistically compared to other countries. American women have less rights than in other countries. We STILL get paid seventy cents on the dollar compared to American men. So I think American women are incredibly strong, usually intelligent creatures trying to show the world what's good about being a woman, and hiding the S****y things.  

  3. It's impossible to generalise about such a large and diverse population. Some are good, some are bad. One of my best friends characterises what is best about strong, intelligent, laid-back American women,  but I have also met some extremely annoying and immature female Americans. It's the same as any other country, except that it is maybe more difficult to generalise because there are such varied regional differences (LA woman v New York woman etc).

  4. Altogether on a scale of winning the lottery good to Chernobyl meltdown bad, I would rate American women at the "forcible removal of my genitals" bad.  I would never, ever marry a spoiled, self-righteous, American woman with a sense of entitlement and total disregard for the conventions of a traditional marriage or normal social relationships period.

  5. They are built tough.

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