
What is your personal definition of success?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious of your answers. I don't wants lists, I want your one true meaning.




  1. When I want to do something like really important..and I did it right. then I accomplished it.

  2. I would have say happiness with oneself. I know most would say money but there are alot of successful people and they don't have much at all.

  3. My progression in selflessness, the more I give, the more I am who I am intended to be.

  4. My personal definition of success is if I were to die tomorrow I would not be able to think of one thing that I hadn't done that I had wanted to. I lived very exciting life as a young person and did every thing that I wanted to. I traveled, had adventures, fell in love, took chances, lived for happiness and had many careers. I guess the trick of it all is to set your goals and know where to draw the line between ability and fantasy and then do everything possible to achieve them.My favorite line as a young woman was "come on let's go-you can sleep when your dead".

  5. Well to me, success is being truly happy in what your doing, regardless of the money you are making. Imaging making lots of money but not being happy at all with your job. Happiness comes first in life I think.

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