
What is your personal goal you wish to achieve from this Nike+ Human Race 10k?

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Best Answer chosen by Nike will win either a Nike waterbottle or bag. See you at Nike+ Human Race on 31 August 2008!




  1. I have just started running the distance of 10km. Running for self satisfaction is one thing but running for a good cause is far greater than what personal satisfaction can bring. If to bring about this good cause all i have to do is RUN, then why not? The question is not why I do it. It's why you haven't. =) Good luck runners.

  2. I am becoming a daddy next Jan, I want my child to have a fit daddy so that I can play with her all the time and not get physically tired. Doing this run will help me to keep a regular training thus becoming fitter ^_^

  3. Of course the most important thing is to complete it  and this event is a worldwide one so it's special to be involve in such a massive event. Even thought this is not even a half marathon but kudos to Nike to organise some entertainment after the run. Really look forward to 31.08.08.


  4. Well, joining this competition would actually drive me to actually complete the race, giving that unbelievable surge of energy through me to complete the race, since a 10km human race isn't a race that will take a short time a complete, and needs lots of perseverance and stamina. Joining this competition would also be a test of how i fare in my perseverance and stamina, and how i fare among other athletes.

  5. 10K is a long-distance run.

    I'll be running with a good friend, and both of us love to run, as well as also to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Besides wanting to keep fit and improve my stamina and endurance, I also want to remind myself of how lucky I am, being able to run with an abled body, and that I should be happy of who I am now.

    All the best to everyone who's running! =)

  6. hey guys,10km is not exactly a marathon which is 42.195km.  anyway its all about winning over yourself right... jia1you2!

  7. Hahhhh..I want to complete 10Km below 1 hr.

    Been to 2 runs, running behind ladies that are twice my size. I keep telling myself, if they can be ahead of me, I jolly well finish my races.


  8. Doing what's healthy, sportive & intriguing to prepare for a mass-participation event such as this HR10k has always been the intrinsic goal.

    As for the actual event, i just wanna end up all spent! Physically & mentally exhausted so that another cycle can start again!

  9. I liken every race to be life's milestone; constantly challenging oneself to be better and move to the next level. Running 10k is just a start of more challenges to come..longer distance, shorter time, faster pace. Joining the race motivates me to train harder and sharpen my mind to better achieve other goals in life.

  10. I'm able to complete the race with the rest of the people of the world. In addition, I know that I've done agood deed by participating in this race. Also this is the first time such race was organised in my countery, Singapore. There have been many other races organised here. But this human race is the unique one.

  11. Life's about goals else it will be boring so my wishlist:

    1) Getting my gal to complete her first maiden 10k run

    2) To train together with my gal

    3) To hit my target of 40 mins

    4) Aiming to be in top 100

    For success! Cheers :P

  12. To see the finishing line. It's always a personal challenge to know that i am able to start and finish a race well, even if I am not the winner.

    The great scene of fulfillment to see the finishing line that I am able to completed what i have already started.  =)

  13. Race. To respond to the inner-most voice in my heart- just do it! Run for it without hesitation! And just race it! Racing along with the thousands with the JUST DO IT attitude yet with a meaningful message of supporting charity. There's nothing like it so often in life- supporting charity with an attitude. The JUST DO IT attitude.

  14. it's to push beyond my personal limit. To challenge myself to achieve the so-called impossible. like what they say "every great achievement was once considered impossible" i want the nike + human race to be my 1st great achievement. of coz, i want my 1st marathon to be the most memorable one, and this is just it. ((:

  15. hmmm..for me is to push myself and to beat my personal best timing which have been idle for the past 5 years.

    And this being the 1st ever human race and it will be great being a participant of thyis event and best still as a Singaporean....

  16. The Girl I am chasing is also running.  She schedule is very busy.

    And apart from a rare meal together.  We tend to meet while on Runs.

    I.e The annual Marathon, during her recent Triathlon event, and Now Nike 10K run.

    Fortunately, she is an average runner, thus able me to catch up with her.

    Thanx Nike.

  17. I have never run such a lond distance before. In the Nike+ Human Race 10k, I hope to be able to be determine and don't give up till the end. Completing the race is very important to me, it would be the longest race i ever ran and probably ever will. I am already training for it and I am sure I wil be able to pass the finish line. Wish me good luck!

  18. c**p! How in the world I would answer this when the registration is already closed? Any compassionate soul out there to donate his slot to a new charity beside the UN Refugee Agency, The Lance Armstrong Foundation and WWF? The name of the charity is " thank-you-for-giving-me-your-slot foundation " :-)

  19. well, i guess its a personal challenge and it's something you can do with friends and together with other citys.

    what's more the money are made to good use(:

  20. The human race marks an important milestone in my running lifespan. I was down with a bad ankle injury which left me with at least  two partial torn ligament and I have been rehabitating for a year. I have started running, gaining back my fitness and the Human Race is my first race coming back to running. And also, I am excited as I know I will be running with millions of people at the same time around the globe on the same day.  Awesome!

  21. To prove to myself that despite all odds, i am able to live life and do things defined by my own sense of possibility, the way i am, attempting to find my limits, and savour the satisfaction in the moment when i can tell them that i have done it, and that they are wrong.

  22. To interact, motivate, be motivated, be involved.........etc etc...and JUST DO IT (",)....Cheers to all runners and those motivated to run their very first not even think of quiting ya....When bitterness reaches, its extreme, sweetness follows.........Good luck :P

  23. Come on this is the only chance to run along with the whole world. On top of that.... run in the name of charity, it is quite a meaningful race, something worth to support.

  24. To hit personal best record. Reach in an hour!

    Train up determination. Loose some weigh along the way. Get fit and get the good feeling after the race.

    I love the energy in the atmosphere and excitement.

    : )


  25. It's my first 10 Km competitive run.

    Having ran 3 marathons and training for the fourth, this Nike+ Human Race 10k will be something memorable.

    Never in history has humans run in such a large scale before!

    People from 25 cities will be creating history by running on the same day.

    I will be taking the 10K as training.

    Not for Standard Chartered.

    Rather, I am one step closer to fulfilling my Boston dream.

  26. My dad passed away last month unexpectedly at 62 due to a host of diabetic, heart and kidney problems.

    I woke up to the fact that we our responsible for our health and our own lives.

    This Nike+ run is for myself and dedicated to him.

  27. The unique Nike+ Human Race falls on my birthday, a race to support for a good cause, a race that knows no age, a race to celebrate!

  28. Well it will be my first marathon, my goal is to train for it and complete it in the best time possible

  29. To do my little part for humanity. At that day, at that time, millions of people regardless of race and nationality around the world will be running together with me. Imagine what we humans can achieve if we can look beyond our skin colour and different cultures, and unite for a common cause...

  30. My Goal is simply N.I.K.E

    N - Never to quit, faint or fall flat in an unglamourous manner  

          during the race...if it had to happen, I'll make sure I go out  

          in style wearing my favourite Nike attire :)

    I -   Inspire others to take part in race events and that age or  

          gender should never be a barrier

    K - Keep up with the rest of the runners...or at least appear to


    E - Enjoy the race, the atmosphere, the scenery and most

          importantly, Enjoy the post-race activities at the finish  


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