
What is your personal view and opinion of Stephanie Meyer?

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  1. Evil genius. I both hate her and admire her for so easily brainwashing a culture of idiot girls.

  2. i don't think she is a good author

    but the twilight idea is amazing!

    im completely obsessed wih the series even though i don't eally like her writing style.

  3. After BD I don't really like her anymore. And I haven't even read all of BD! I got tired at page 187, I didn't feel like reading Dog-Boys story, why would I! All he would do was talk, and think about Bella. And the book to me is a little to big, I mean she could have ended sooner if she didn't have Jake's story in there. And writing style is kind of okay, I guess. Some time's when I was reading one of her other books I got confused of what Bella was talking about. Oh well I think she could have done BD WAY better.

  4. I feel really bad for her because so many people hate the Twilight series now. I just posted a question about it and I'm getting all this hatred. Its making me mad. I love her though, shes a great person and her intentions are good. And for some people to hate her like that is just wrong.

  5. I loved her first book, but then I thought that she was just rushing them to get more money.

  6. I think she has remained humble and nice to her fans. Before her third book came out she helped out at a charity event to raise money for a youth writing program and she just seemed amazed at the attention she was getting. I dont think she is the person to act all high and mighty. She has consistently said in her interviews about how she loves to write but doesn't believe she is a good writer. She thinks of herself more as a storyteller. And I like her stories even if she avoids lyrical prose.

    She was brave enough to take a chance with her writing and go far with it. I may not always like the directions she takes with her books but I respect that this is her story and not mine. I look forward to reading more from her and hope that whatever negativity will not deter her from writing.  

  7. The plot of her books is great, extremely interesting and the kind of story that makes you want to keep n reading at three o'clock in the morning. However, her writing style is - to be nice - horrible. Even though I really liked the Twilight Series, she cannot write;she fails to use but the most basic sentence patterns and vocabulary, uses almost no figurative language, and fails to create any symbolism in her stories. Even though she does develop her characters, she fails to allow her audience to fully experience the story by her horrible use of syntax and diction.

  8. By your user name I can obviously tell that you want a favorable answer. However, I am going to give an honest answer anyways. So here goes.

    Meyer is a Mormon writer who has written the Twilight Series and the Host. I have a pet peeve that she is smoking pot or more possibly mainlining heroin but we'll pass over that. Her "religion" doesn't crop up much in her writing except a brief discussion over whether vampires have souls. I personally believe she's renamed her religion Money but that's not really the point.

    I think she's an awful writer who just happened to be in luck. Her writing is cliche, cheesy, uninteresting, and plot less. It can be used in the future when you need a laugh. But I doubt you'll be laughing when I say her writing also contains bad influences such and EXTREMELY bad role models, abusive boyfriends/husbands, ex-boyfriends who turn pedophile, messy and puke-worthy birth scenes (think I am squeamish? Her boyfriend and her unborn child chew open her uterus to deliver the baby. Sick.) And this is promoting them. If that wasn't bad enough, she had to also defend her writing from her horrified ex-fans. Enough said. She is the most pitiful excuse for a writer ever. And if you are thinking that I think I can do better than BD, I do think that. But most fanfictions and guesses before that came out are better.


  9. I  feel bad for her, sort of, because when she found out everyone hated Breaking Dawn at the Entertainment Weekly interveiw she started crying.  But I feel like she also doesn't really respect authors, like she thinks that anyone can do it.  She obviously not an author because although the plot is sooo interesting, the writing is terrible. She based the books on a dream she had, and then just started writing like it was just a days work. Also, I feel like she is sort of full of herself, in one interveiw she compared her books to Harry Potter, and to me, there's no comparison.  Harry Potter is just something that's really close to me and having her compare her books to something that holds such a dear place to my heart really just makes me not like her, but maybe that's just me.  JK Rowling spent time and effort laying out each and every piece of Harry Potter carefully through all the books and she got 4 books out in 2 (or so) years.

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