
What is your perspective on philosophy?

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What is your perspective on philosophy?




  1. Philosophy for me is a form of spirituality and possibly a higher form than even established religions, with the exception of Buddism. It's a reflection on our existance with moral overtones.

  2. Socrates "Think for yourself" or be manipulated by the system

    This is why he was a threat to government systems and they tried to kil him.

    I beleive he had the right answer and government is a slave system liken to Babylon and Egypt, compare them.

    talk to the rock not the people

  3. Boogy, Buddhism is considered a philosophy.

    Most intro courses on the subject cover eastern philosophy covering Buddhism and Confucianism.

  4. Its what happens when people argue over various fundamental things in life, like meaning, or perception, etc. After a while the serious truth seekers see the futility of this and finding Truth through thought goes nowhere and moves onto stopping thought altogether by meditating in order to find Truth.

  5. A load of questioning that doesn't actually result in any answers but make you feel like your nearer to 'the truth'.

  6. Philosophy will always be there to give us the wisdom of understanding. The moment we enter the universe, the wonders of a child will be ever present and will start asking different questions around him. That's why we can't do without  philosophy.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!  

  7. cleaning multi ton of rubbish never ends.....argh!!!!!! :P

  8. I haven't got one.  Such ways of thinking are inherently meaningless.

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