
What is your pet doing right now?

by Guest58851  |  earlier

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What is your pet doing right now?




  1. He's still at work.

  2. sleeping

  3. My rabbit is trying to sleep

  4. He was sleeping but now he's up watching TV with the bears.

    It's my husband

  5. sleeping!

    all 3 of them

  6. is in the petshop sleeping and dreaming for me to adopt it

  7. My Turtle is sleeping. I just gave her a big meal of mushrooms and grapes.  

  8. Sleeping on my bed.

  9. Id guess hes sleeping

  10. What I should be doing - sleeping

  11. Sleeping as usual i have a big old lazy cat but i ♥ her she's my life ♥

  12. he is sleeping and looks absolutely adorable :)

  13. I don't have any pets..

  14. lieing down

  15. my cats are asleep and some of my dogs are either asleep or sitting in the kitchen waiting for food

  16. sleeping in my bed

  17. Sorry, I've no pet.

  18. 1 is sleeping on my pillow and the other is staring at me(cats).

  19. chirping

    i got pet bird

  20. smoking crack

  21. Sleeping next to me.  

  22. Snoring really loud lol

  23. i have 5 hamsters and all of them are slepping.

  24. eating dinner

  25. l*****g his balls

  26. Three Sleeping.One permanently.

    R.I.P Tiny Reeces April 22 2005-August 27 2008  

  27. I have a pet?

  28. sniffing under my chair.

    fat puppy.

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