
What is your pet peeve about other drivers on the road?

by  |  earlier

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I am just curious as to what really gets on other peoples nerves about other drivers...

I swear if I could name them all I'd be here all day so here are my top 4

- when I'm trying to make a left hand turn and there is enough room for me to get in the left hand lane IF the person going straight will move up

- when someone is tailgating

- when there is a slow driver leading a pack of 10 cars behind them

- people that don't have the road manners of gesturing thank you in some way for letting them in when they otherwise probably wouldn't be able to in cases such in traffic, or out of a parking lot into a busy street,etc




  1. people riding your ***

    people not turning on their turn signal

  2. I HATE it when you are trying to merge and the person doesn't slow to let you in, or just speed up for you to pass. They make you either slam the brakes or gun it just to get into the lane.

    Also, people in crummy cars that weave in and out of traffic like it's formula 1.

  3. Here are my top whatevers  - number one being the most annoying

    1.  Following too close and not understanding the 3 sec. rule.

    2.  When you are observing the 3 sec. rule someone cuts in front of you eliminating your safe breaking distance.

    3.  Changing lanes in an intersection

    4.  Not signaling a lane change

    5.  People talking on cell phones as they drive (we all get calls or have to call while we drive, but I am talking about those who hang on them the whole time you are near them)

    6.  Breeder-mobiles or Breeder-vans in front on me with tinted glass - you can not see around them or through them to determine whats ahead of you.  They usual sense this and pull in front of you. Oh and they always have to have some picture of a soccer ball, baseball, megaphone or something on the back glass with a kids name on it.  Like I care?

    7.  Cars that turn right and do not stay in the rightmost lane, swinging to whatever outside lane they wish.

    8.  Cadillac Escalades with one person at the wheel and both back seat televisions on.

    9.  Break riders - someone who is in front of you and applies the breaks for no reason and keeps doing so.

    10.  Vanity liscense plates - not the ones that support a cause but the ones we are suppose to figure out.  I new a lady that was a whole sale distributor - she never understood why I got such a charge out of her plates - they said HOSALE.

    11.  Dirty or neglected vehiles not road worthy speeding down the interstate

    12.  Tuners with butt hole mufflers playing the music so loud the bolts are rattling.

    13.  People driving with their dogs in their laps

    14.  Children not in car seats

    15.  Passing high end performance automobiles going at or below the speed limit.  Why buy em then.

  4. gotta be mobile phone users while driving

  5. one word:  SCOOTERS.

  6. When I am forced to follow a driver on a single lane road and they ALWAYS slow down when they come to a slight grade on a hill,  AGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!  

    Don't they understand the force of gravity?

    Are they too dumb or lazy to know enough to press down he gas pedal a little bit more to keep up the same speed or the speed limit when they come to a hill???

    that drives me crazy!!!   AGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tailgaters!

    No signals!

    Cell phones without hands-free!

  8. in short and covering all the ones that have been stated. people at least lots of them are just plain dumb when it comes to being considerate to other drivers of the road. i have found out a long time ago always drive defensive and you will be many drive like they have no idea that others are on the road and far to impatient

  9. I have many, but a big one is when people right behind you have their high-beams on!

  10. Left lane campers - Slower traffic KEEP RIGHT

    People who don't put on their turn signals

    People who don't wave or something when you let them out - If I'm courteous to you then be courteous to me

    If I have my signal on because I want to change lanes and the idiot next to me wont speed up or slow down so I can go over.

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