
What is your pet peeve at shopping mall?

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What is things you can't stand people doing at shopping mall??

Just for fun :-)

(I would said my pet peeve is when people put different sizes of clothes on on different racks or open stuff then dump back on rack, leaving for others)




  1. Hoody, rude and obnoxious little wannabe gangster types getting rude and crude without the bounds of adult supervision.

  2. 1.  Group of people who walk 3 or 4 next to one another and block the path for other people to pass them.

    2.  Clerks who talk on the phone while they wait on me or who answer the phone and go to 'check something' for the customer on the phone while I am standing there in front of them waiting to pay.  The customer in front of you should ALWAYS take precedence over the customer on the phone.

    3.  When Sears jams the racks so close to one another that I can't walk between them to see the merchandise.

  3. Oh yah. I'm with you with that one.

    I don't like it when people are trying to get something from the rack or whatever, then this person comes up, won't move and start a fight with another costumer that takes FOREVR and while you ask them to move for a second they jump on you (not literaly, but you know- with the fight thing)

    Oh, and when they "five-finger-discount"

    NOw, we all know thats elligal.  

  4. Moms that scream and yell at their kids because they won't behave. Most of those kids do not want to be there in the first place.  It is extremely boring to them to have to shop with their moms (or whoever) so it is difficult for them to keep their hands off anything or be stuck in a stroller all afternoon.  I will almost never take my two year old shopping unless it's a quick stop for something and I already know where it is located.  I'm not opposed to disciplining kids but to yell and be mean to them pisses me off.  Of course they don't behave, they are MISERABLE there.  

  5. long line at a register and bunch of workers doing nothing next to it

  6. When people don't watch where the h**l they are walking and get in the d**n way.

  7. We have 3 stairs, and next to it a ramp for wheelchairs and strollers. I can't tell you how many times I have had to stop and wait for people to move before I can push my stoller up the ramp. How hard is it to go down 3 stairs, really? If you see someone pushing 2 children in a stroller, wouldn't logic tell you to move and take the stairs? I guess not. Then when I act frustrated, they look at me like I am being rude.  

  8. slow walkers or ppl who take up whole isles with baby strolers.  Also ppl who are disrespectfull towards the sales ppl

  9. Foreigners with multiple kids who hog up aisle with those huge mall carriages and let their kids run wild... then when you go to say something to them they don't speak English. Grr....

  10. Teen girls who shop in small groups and mostly giggle and scream a lot.

    Dudes who try to navigate the mall on skateboards.

    Parents who let their kids run wild.

  11. When people in front of me just stop abruptly to talk and here I come on my crutches.  But then, its not their fault that I use crutches, is it.

  12. People who stroll along carelessly, looking up at store marquees, and drift into mall traffic or just stop altogether. I usually just run them over.

    Another is little miss 12-year old who doesn't put her cell phone down the whole time she's in the mall.  

  13. 1. Rude loud children allowed to run free with no adult supervision.

    2. People who stop in the middle of the isle so no one can get around them on either side then give you dirty looks when asked to move.

    3. Store employees who are more interested in discussing their private lives than doing the customer service they were hired for.

    4. People who 'wander' while talking on cell phone oblivious to those around them.

    5. Store managers whose solution to a problem is 'shop somewhere else', instead of getting staff to provide actual service.

    6. People who bring their dogs to the mall/store even though they are not service animals.  

  14. haha i hate it when people walk really slow in front of you and then when you try to get around them the decide to move in front of you.they don't do it purposefully do it but it gets annoying.

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