
What is your pet peeve?

by  |  earlier

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my friend has an annoying habit of starting to tell me something then changes her mind and say, never mind, i hate when she does that. i also hate when people talk about me like I'm not in the room.




  1. When my friends act like I'm not there. xP It really depresses me.

  2. When people cut in front of me in traffic, and then go 2 miles per hour.

    Grocery cart with one bad wheel

    The worst is when I go into a restroom and somebody is blowing it up, then they leave, i'm still in there, and someone walks in.  HATE it!

  3. S L  O    W   TALK E R         S

  4. Oh i know what your talking about. When you dont hear what they say and they say "JUST NEVERMIND GOSH"!  My pet-peive is when teachers ovbisouly see my hand in the air and they never call on me >=( also my sister. And that i cant meet the Jonas Brothers until i become a disney channel star. I was already in nthe Suave Mag. when i wuz 8

    -BABYKANDY oxoxoxoxox

  5. When you are sitting in class and the person in front of you keeps turning around and looking at your desk for like no reason

  6. i have that peeve too along with when people insist on using pencils with the eraser worn down yet they still feel the need to rub that metal bit against the paper anyway like its going to erase something, i hate that sound it makes!! i hate when people read to themselves out loud for some reason too it just irks the living daylights out of me. or people who "hunt and peck" for keys because they cant type. people who say something like they came up with it themselves when you just said the same thing to them not 5 minutes beforehand. people with colds who just continue to sniffle and suck snot instead of blowing thier freaking nose! ugh disgusting

  7. My pet peeve is when people try to stab or shoot me.  Really any attempt to harm my body or take my life will annoy me.

  8. slow, terrible, idiot drivers :)

  9. my best friend hates it when i chew and munch on gum; which is something i do often.

    but i hate people that brag about something that isn't even true; i usually can tell by their body language and their voice if they are lying

  10. My pet peeve...  hmmm...

    How about the forty-'leventh time somebody asks "Could I be pregnant?" on Y!A

  11. HI dear don't think about it.You also do this then ur friend understand ur importance.

  12. Two pet peeves...1.  when people put up garage sale signs with no date..just Friday and Saturday...and then leave them up.  You never know if it was over or current.  2.  When people don't take the proper turn at a 4 way stop.

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