
What is your pet peeve when it comes to horses?

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Mine is when someone called a gelding a girl for example you have a gelding and their like "good girl" UGHHHHHHH I am a girl and I know if some one called me "Sir" I would be really mad.




  1. i agree with Bobbi on this one!

    one of the girls/horses i was helping train would never listen to me, even though when she did she got GREAT results.  She rode her OTTB in a kimberwick and never let go of the reins which caused him to always be behind the vertical.. so i would say very nicely "give a little with your hands so he can stick his nose out and relax" and i get "o but i read in a book then horses can be behind the vertical because it means they are using their back" .. first of all that doesn't make sense, second, the horse was BARELY trotting, and third, when i got on and just threw away the reins he had the nicest controlled extended trot that could win you a hunter hack class.

    also, i hate it on here when people say "you should listen to me I've been riding for 2 whole years!!!!"  its just annoying.  Like i always say, two years is nothing in a lifetime of horses..

  2. My pet peeve when it comes to horses is two-fold.  

    The people who've never had a horse, go purchase one without any knowledge of one then can't figure out what they need to do.  

    These people may also be the people who don't want to listen to those who have experience, think they know it all, then find themselves hurt and end up beating the animal or being cruel to it because they couldn't swallow their pride or ego for one minute and give it a good hard thought getting the proper help they need.

    These people are quite often the ones who think that since their first horse was OK - or maybe their horse isn't that great - they need to breed it to get a foal they could raise right because their horse wasn't right from the first.

    If ya can't start a horse, train a horse and ya haven't taken the time to learn everything you can about them with absolutely no ego you shouldn't have one.

    The items that you point out above are more than likely pure ignorance - someone doesn't know the difference between a gelding and a girl. Learn how to approach them and correct them in a positive manner.

    My pet peeve are people who don't ask - or do then tell me I'm wrong even though I've owen horses for 41 years and they haven't ever had any.

    The best horsepeople in the world have asked and taken all the information they can cram in their brains, then they use all that information to build the best situation possible given their basic ideas.

    This is my major pet peeve.

  3. they are so darned hard to housebreak and they use my feet to stand on.

  4. People who think they know more about YOUR horse than you do, even if they've never been around them in their life.

    Little kids who don't try when they ride a horse. They just sit there and start complaining when the horse doesn't do what they want.

  5. I guess, tops on my list is when someone that obviously hasn't a clue as to what they are talking about when it comes to horses, says, "Well, in my opinion",  Oh please, in my mind, they don't have an opinion other than to confuse others in the same situation that they are.  These are usually the same folks that tend to think that they can totally "communicate" with their horse with bells, whistles or whatever the newest fad is, "horse whisperer" comes to mind, instead of listening to someone that has had years of experience and has nothing to gain by making up a solution to their problem.  Nothing bothers me much more than trying to figure out how to tactfully explain what I feel would be helpful to their problem/issue, and to be met with, BUT, BUT, BUT, I read somewhere, in a book, etc, etc, etc....then take the dang book and use it to make them comply, by then, I am through trying to help.

  6. 1. this may sound weird but when people rub their horse's face alot, i hate it because my 2 year old's previous owner use to do that and now everytime im in the show ring or just practicing she rubs her head on me!

    2. another thing is when people pat their horse not rub the horse, well for instance if a horse can feel a fly im sure when you pat it it thinks its getting smacked, so i always rub!...

    3. oh and another thing is when the people who get 1st place are always the people with the professionally trained horse and then the people who ACTUALLY work with their horse leave empty handed..

    4. when a freaken world champion comes to your fair and just happens to be in your age group and beats you every frickon year!

  7. I own a 7 year old Saddlebred and she's great and I love her. We do saddle seat and she's wonderful but she is SO tough! She wont even WALK. She's just a huge brat but once she gets herself together, she's the bestt<3

    But my pet peeves are when::

    -Theres like a 10 year old riding a huge park morgan or saddlebred and the horse has TONS of motion so she wins almost every class....but the thing is...the horse is a MAJOR push button horse.

    Grr...push button horses.

    The rider thinks they're the BEST because they win all the time, but they dont even have to do anything to make the horse perfect..

    So yeah, push button horses really p**s me offf..

    I also REALLY hate it when people brake their horse's tail!

    It doesn't even look good, and it's cruel.

  8. Ummmm... people who think they know everything and anything to do with horses... everybody learns!

    People who are unrealisitic about their ability :

    'I'm thinking of entering 4' in the horse show'

    MORE LIKE 4 INCHES!!! grrrr......

    People who flap!! aaaaahhhhhh!! Somehow, their horse just won't go when they flail their limbs randomly towards and away from its sides!??!

    Peopl who don't believe in improving... if you don't think you need teaching it suggests you need it something awful!

    and finally, people who don't thank you!! i schooled my friend's horse for 2 months, and when he started to improve to a point that she could ride him with only a little difficulty, i stopped. Then, she rode him again, without a thank you, and when he started to misbehave, she self-prescribed a stronger bit, as if the pony-fairy had come in the night before and magically made him into a nice pony!

  9. Ugh, that DOES bother me! I have a couple I can think of lol.

    - When people (especially people younger than me for some reason lol) always tell me how to do things, when I know how. Urgh I hate it when people do that. (This can also go in this category type thing...) Also how people think they know everything to know about horses. You can never know EVERYTHING about horses and riding, there is ALWAYS something new to learn.

    - When someone wants to buy a horse but they haven't the slightest clue how to take care of them or they just think having a horse for a pet would be cool. They aren't like a pet fish or a pet hamster, it takes so much more work and responsablility.

    - (This isn't about REAL horses, but it relates to them) When people on Y!A (in the horse section) are always asking Howrse questions. They never stop. I especially hate it when they try to disguise it, and pretend it's a real question, and then when you tell them you know it's not a real question, they make up a whole bunch of excuses, and keep saying it's a real (so called) "urgent" question. *rolls eyes*

    - This one's plain and simple (no description needed); People who blame every mistake that happens, on their horse!

    - Little kids who think they know everything, or when they start to kick the horse or pull back rlly hard on their reins when the horse is stretching, itching their legs or maybe theres a bug around that thats bothering them. (This happened once;) One time there was this little girl (like 6 or 7 yrs old) and she was yelling at this pony, kicking her, pulling back at the reins rlly hard, etc when the pony was just itching her leg. Luckily my instructor told her off lol.

    That's about all I can think of so far lol ^-^

  10. When girls compete in crazy amounts of classes at shows. (You do not need to show in the Green Hunter Division, Age Divison, Skill Level Division and Medals then try jumper classes)

    Green Hunter: 2 hunter jump courses and 1 flat

    Age Division (12-14 eq): 1eq. jump course and 1 flat

    Skill Level (Childerns Division for example): 1 eq course 2 hunter courses and 2 flat classes

    Medal: 1 jump course and 1 flat (possibly a call back)

    Jumpers: 1 long course (possibly a jump off)

    Seriously that is 8 jump courses and 5 flat classes. I kinda understand if it is just a one day show but I have seen people jump their horses like this at 3 day shows. O and I forgot schooling in the morning. Most people school the equivlent of 2-3 courses in the morning. 10 jump courses in a DAY!

    Then the girls hand the horses off to grooms and complain to mom and dad that the horse was being lazy and that is why you didnt place. (No honey, your horse is exhausted from carting your butt around all day)

    SO my pet peeves are overworking a horse to win ribbons and grooms.

  11. Omg I have so many! I suppose my biggest pet peeve is the kind of people who obviously think they are fantastic and they ride ponies that are way too small for them. Beat them up and make them jump huge fences. Then when they refuse they beat them up more. THE JUMPS ARE TOO BIG! And its obvious that mummy and daddy have bought the pony for them, but they are like 6 feet tall and 200 pounds!! Well I'm exagerating but it really gets on my nerves!! I think they do it so they can enter junior comps and win.

    Also when people think its cool if the horse bucks and they stay on, so they wind their horses up. Usually its the same type of people that do this as the ones that beat up the little ponies.

  12. People not respecting the:

    "Do not approach my horse"      

        (If my horse steps on you, I don't need you suing me).

    "Do not feed my horse"  

    (Just because I am right there doesn't mean I am giving permission. There is a sign. Learn to read. If my horse colics, you will be fitted the vet bill).

    "Do not get on my horse trailer with out me knowing and I almost drive away with you on the side screaming"

    (On second thought, you deserve it and I need a good laugh!)

    Those who:  "I been training for 10 plus years, so listen to me"

    (Okay, there is those professional trainers who have.  HIghly respected if they are doing what they say.  Then again, I don't think a 20 year old has been training since 10 and insurance reasons can be tricky with a minor training).

    "He is a ranch horse. He doesn't belong in the show ring"

    (Oh is that the reason he took a higher winning over your $10,000 horse in the class?)

    Most of all when it comes to mine:

    Do not medicate my horse with out my permission.

    "You need to feed him more"

    (No, he is 30 and he practically eats all day and night. Weight loss comes with age).

    In response to that: "Oh, you have to think about putting him down because it is cruel to let him suffer like that"

    (*blank stare*  Cruel to let him grow old and be a healthy older horse? My vet says with his health, he should be living another 3 to 5 years easily.  But because people get old, I guess saying they should be put down instead? wow...).

    A response to my 8 year old Quarter Gelding:

    "He has to be half draft horse"

    (No, my mare is quarter and the sire is Registered Quarter. Trust me, he is full quarter).

    "Then he is half draft or a stallion"

    (No to both. I was there during breeding and was there during birth and was there during castration. He is neither)

    "sorry, but he is one or the two"

    (Argh people like these irritate me).

  13. I have a little backyard horse that I bought and trained myself, with the help of my trainer. The thing I hate the most is when the girls with the 50,000 dollar horses that their parents bought them, compete against people like me in a show. Then they are all excited when they win, and people like me don't have a chance of placing.

  14. when people tell you how to look after your horse when they know nothing about it and cant ride or care properly for horses themselves.. this makes me so cross! also when people buy horses as basiscally dolls, i knew some women who had a grey and a coloured who were meant to be out for the summer- they spent about 3 hours washing them every single day then left them in all day on hard concrete floor. then they turned them out at night with no oils left in there coat so they got rainscald :(

  15. Arrogant rich people who don't care about the animal... just the money


    When 10=12 year old girls dress up in designer equestrian brands, talk ab out out their fancy push button ponies just to make themselves above the rest of the riding community. Tha makes me sooooo mad, NOT JEALOUS, mad that they are givent the wonderful oppurtunity to own a horse and they miss uase it

  17. The people who usually own them, " my horse is so much better than yours". " what you don't own a horse you piece of filth".

    BTW I used to own a horse ha ha but I was nothing like that:)

  18. My pet peeve with horses are that I can not get them to pay their own bills.

    It is sooooo annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Mine is horses that bite, kick, and rear because people do not want to discipline their horses.

    Well that and people who trail ride in snaffle bits then wonder why their horse wouldn't stop running when something scared it.

  20. People who look down on you because you have an ex-school horse.

    People who think that the smallest one must be the youngest ( because they all get bigger with age -right ?)

    Parents who smile while their offspring races towards you with arms outstretched squealing "Horsieeee"

    People who are convinced that when they see you coming it's the best idea to hide behind a tree- because that's so less scary than just walking past..

  21. my biggest pet peeve when it comes to horses is this horse section! it's way to addicting!! ahhhh!

  22. A few of my pet peeves have already been listed.. haha

    My number one - People who let their horses get away with bad manners: biting, kicking, nipping, etc. And don't let anyone do anything about it.

    Thinking they know EVERYTHING there is to horses, when in truth - the only time they've probably been around horses is pony rides.

    People who judge before they know: "Omg.. that horse looks so ugly! Why would anyone want to compete on it?! .. *looks completely shocked, when that horse wins first place*"

    Push-Button-Horses: I'm sorry, these get to me as well. When the rider thinks they are the best-of-the-best, because their very expensive, well trained, 'just-sit-there' horse wins them everything.

  23. As far as the horse goes, I can't stand a kicker.

    For people it's those who jump aboard and think they know it all and don't ask for help or advice. I've had horses since I can remember so what I know has come from the years of learning to care for as well as ride, and if someone needs advice I am happy to help, mainly because I don't want to see the horse hurt by someone who doesn't know how to handle the reins and bit or sit properly. People who have ridden a few times and then know it all, are dangerous. Just ask a horse person for advice it works out better all around.

  24. People that blame every mistake on their horse. If you are spurring and jerking on your reins, that is probably the reason your horse has no idea what to do. Stop blaming your horse because you don't know what you are doing. I also hate the "trainers" who know nothing about horses and are training young horses.

  25. Like when they p**p and you step in it, or like the way the smell, or like you have too clean their hooves or teats aaarrrgh

    OH wait, that's what I love.

    People who think that horses are a game or a toy not an animal. Or people who think the horses are either smarter or dumber than they are. Or the worst someone who has read a book or two and try to tell a successful trainer of 20 years on how to work with horses.

  26. Not much really bothers me to the point of anger, but I am annoyed by closed minds...not only regarding training and handling of horses, but in general.  Too many opinions abound that aren't backed up by adequate education and experience to validate them. If you haven't used something, or tried something to completion, you have no basis for forming an opinion.

  27. When people talk about horses and nothing else but horses.

  28. i thought you meant in this category and that would be that every single question gets deleted i ask and same with answers. TROLL SUCK!!!

    that being said......people that buy horses for practically nothing and then two weeks later sell the same c**p horse for a small fortune...argh b******s

  29. mine is when u have a really big horse and afte you are done riding....they head butt you!!!!!!! ugh!!! it is so annougin and it reay hurts.............especially when they are 15.2 and weight 1200 lbs!!!!!!!

  30. People who hand feed their horses.

    The WORST thing you could ever do.

    Quickest way to make a horse into dog food I can think of.


  31. when im at the barn and i go into the stall of the horse i've been riding/part boarding for about two years straight and start massaging her ears(she loves that me...dont judge me) then some little girl who is just about to start one of her first lessons and comes in and pulls my hair and yells at me for hurting her horse! then i say "excuse me little girl for spending time with the horse i part board...i hope she doesnt buck you off on purpose!( this horse does buck when you kick her too much)" then the mom comes up and says "get away from my daughter!!!! she did nothing to blah deblah de blah!!!"

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