
What is your philosophy for early childhood education?

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What is your philosophy for early childhood education?




  1. it shouldnt happen until 6 atleast

  2. Children need hands-on experiences that are linked to more then one sense to learn.  They need to feel, do, see, etc.  They should be taught concepts in more then one way, and it should be fun.  Children should not be made to participate in these "teaching" sessions. For instance, having a four year old trace a letter, cut it out, then paint it using primary colors... to see what happens when mixing colors.  They should have a choice on whether or not they want to participate.  Learning should be play based.

  3. that it should be fun, interactive and natural.  i get tired of all the current theories about how it should all be done.  i say let them dig in dirt, play when they want, color when they want and let them be kids.

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