
What is your philosophy of life ?

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What is your philosophy of life ?




  1. No matter what you do, when you get to the end, you'll have regrets.

    Try and keep the list short.

  2. I lean towards Existentialism.  I believe that we can make of ourselves anything we wish, but that we have to take the responsibility.  There are no excuses.

    As for the meaning of Life, I believe that Life is its own meaning.  There is no great transcendent meaning other than that.

  3. To enjoy myself, help others, and put myself in the shoes of other people before acting or reacting

  4. I get to do this once,so I will do what I want,when,and how I want,or die.That's it.I mean no harm to anyone other than myself,because that is just plain wrong.

  5. Thats too long to describe here, but what I can shortly say:

    - Live and let live

    - Enjoy life: you MIGHT be here only once

    - do not do things to others, you do not wish other people do to you

    - love your fellow human beings as yourself (and other creatures and nature)

    - love God your creator, whoever God might

    - live every day as it would be your last

    - do not be greedy and do not feel superior to anybody else and do not think you know all the answers: Let go !

  6. I don't have one. i follow one. And that is to worship God in every good way possible. Whether it is to be clean , good mannered or be thankful to God for ever thing he has given me..

  7. enjoy everyday as if it is your last.

  8. Hooray for today!

  9. Stay awake for it, because it's all we have.  

  10. The axiom of identity or A is A (hand is hand)- Aristotle, Wundt, Leibniz, Rand, Wittgenstein

  11. My main philosophy is to live and let live but live in peace and harmony with love ,with love towards all and malice towards none.Begin each new day with a grateful thanks to God for giving you this day.Prayer is the answer to all your problems.So basic is Prayers and faith.  

  12. Live and let live, unless the b*****s started it, then kick ***!


  13. My philosophy of life is simply to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  14. Ride the wave, see where it takes u and improvise in everything. Never make long term plans cuz they tend to fail.

  15. Give thanks for everything, because gifts are to be cherished.

  16. Have a good time, all the time.

    No wait, that's the philosophy of the drummer from Spinal Tap and my 2 year olds too.

    Mine is "It will all work out in the end, you'll see."

  17. give as you get

    get as you give

    learn, accept , understand

    be tolerant of differnce

    no ones version is the truth

  18. Speak softly and carry a big gun.

    Sorry to all you history buffs, I had to modernize it.

  19. 1 - Reality is the way it is, and no amount of wishing and hoping will change that fact. It neither hates us nor favors us.

    2 - To exist is to exist as something; that is, to exist is to have a nature. Reason is the tool we use to grasp the nature of existent things. That is, the world is something we can understand.

    3 - We all have values: things we would take action to gain or keep. Because we can understand how the world works, we can use reason to take appropriate actions to work towards our values.

    4 - In order to pursue any value, we must remain alive. Therefore, an approrpiate value is one that furthers our livelihood, instead of one that's ultimately self-destructive. For similar reasons, values should not be in contradiction with one another.

    5 - When we achieve those things we wish to gain and maintain, we find happiness. Not diversion, but a state of mind that reflects how a being of conceptual consciouness should feel.

    6 - Because happiness requires choosing values and acting appropriately, freedom is necessary for human beings to thrive. Because we must choose and act in order to survive, and because values are central to choice and action, a society that suppresses human freedoms to pursue values is necessary anti-human and evil.


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