
What is your philosophy on educating pre school children?

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  1. I think if the parents are involved in their childrens' lives and interact with the frequently this is the best way to educate young children. However, if the parents don't have time/desire to work with their children at home, or if the child has problems with social interactions, I think a preschool environment that is play-centered/child-centered/experience-... and with some structure, is very beneficial. However, preschool will not completely make up for four years of parent indifference or neglect, just narrow the gap.

  2. I think attending preschool is just as important as interacting with and teaching your kids at home. Preschool should be play and student oriented. A majority of the day should be spent playing and working on social skills like sharing and communicating with their peers. Play activities should also involve their gross and fine motor skills. Other learning goals should be addressed at circle time: recognizing their name, numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc. But equally as important is what they learn at home. My hope is that parents that send their children to daycare all day also understand the importance of interacting with their kids at home. Home is where they learn rules, morals, manners and love. I think parents should have fun with their children, but also emphasize the importance of learning by reinforcing concepts that they learn at school.

  3. Play, play play. Children learn through playing. They love to explore. Play based learning is the way to go.

  4. its too bad that we have to address this issue because pre school children should just be able to play and have a good time, but, unfortunitly, we live in a country where it is a must.  if you don't start the education process as soon as possible, a child could start out behind.  so i suggest making a game out of it, so they don't know they are already learning how to complete and survive

  5. Good old fashion PLAY and INTERACTION is what they need.  Preschool children learn by exploring their environment- they are no biologically ready to be drilled.

    There is a reason so much ADHD diagnosis at young ages these days- children have to "sit still" and "learn" at a younger age and if not then there is something wrong with them right???  Children become agitated and will not learn if they are forced.  

    Children need the opportunity to get dirty, ask questions, and be wrong about stuff.   You HAVE to read  "Einstein Never Used Flashcards."  awesome book on the value of play!

  6. I think family is the best teacher of preschoolers. I have 4 little boys. 2 are school age (never went to preschool) and 2 are preschool age (not enrolled in preschool). I'm not a stay at home mom, they are babysat by my sister who works with them and I teach them myself. All are doing wonderfully in aptitude and socialization.

  7. Pre-schoolers only need to learn the basics which will prepare them for survival, life and becoming a civilized human being: getting along with others, safety, hygiene, fine and gross motor skills, active listening, proper communication and manners, independence and respect for others, themselves and property.   I believe they can learn this through parents or at school and will prepare them to start formal education.  You would be surprised at how many children (even those who go to preschool or daycare) are severely lacking any education whatsoever in these areas.

    Typical example: Little susie 1st grader can read at a 3rd grade level, add and subtract triple digit numbers and can sing over 100 songs, but she has never used glue or scissors in her life and empties and whole bottle of glue and cuts herself with the scissors even cuts other kids`s clothing and the paper to shreds while making a simple craft. She doesn`t know how to follow simple instructions and yells and screams and throws things to get attention. She also never washes her hands without being reminded and needs help putting shoes on and organizing her things at school.  After a few very frustrating months of "pre-school level" education, she is finally ready to start 1st grade, but still has a hard time getting along with other students.

    Example 2: Little Timmy Kindergartener has stayed at home since he was born, but has had no education whatsoever other than from the TV and playing with video games by himself while his Mom is busy running a home business.  He has no set schedual at home, helps himself to food at his leisure and usually goes to bed when he is so tired he crashes (usually after midnight). His Mom is too busy to teach him anything but yells at him and hits him when he does something she does not approve of.  He has rarely had any exposure to children his own age, has never read a book or had one read to him  and has never to played at a park or outside for that matter. On his first day of class, he cannot concentrate or follow any instructions, he fights on the playground, uses anything he can find as a weapon to hit, bash or jab people or animals and pushes children who he thinks are walking too slowly. He never seems angry, and rarely shows any emotion. He laughs and runs away whenever someone tries to talk to him.  The lessons are too slow for him and don`t intrest him in the slightest, so he gets up out of his seat constantly and roams around the room.  During story time he cannot concentrate, when the teacher askes him to help her turn the pages (to give him something to focus on) he rips the page right out of the book!  During coloring time, he constantly drops his crayons on the floor and colors all over the table. After several months with very little change in his behavior, it is assumed he has ADD is put on many types of medication, but the drugs only make him lethargic. Eventually he goes to a special ed class where he is taught the basics and under very orderly and safe conditions. Gradually he improves enough to go to regular classes full time.

  8. Not necessary. Formal pre-school education gives no advantage in the long run. They catch up by 2nd grade. Also you can homeschool informally and they will learn just as much if not more from simple play and learn like our grandparents did.


  9. I believe it should be in a fun fashion integrated with on one for the length of attention span

  10. i think they should be educated, wouldn't you agree? although when i was of pre-school age, there was no such thing as day care or early childhood education. we learned the basics at home and then started our formal education in kindergarten, and most of my generation turned out ok. but i do think it's a good idea to have children younger than 5 receive some kind of structured education.

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