
What is your phobia

by  |  earlier

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mine is flying




  1. Rodents and spiders...

    And now Top Reporters and Trolls, they've shut down my level 2 ((boo hoo))

  2. 1. Heights

    2. Obama

    3. Snakes

    4. Obama

    5. Illegal immigration

    6. Obama

  3. Ogers

  4. Well I have a few but coming top would have to be blood.  

  5. Oh please, what him up there said...i can't even bring myself to say or type it - the insect that begins with c...argh !!!

  6. I only have arachnophobia

  7. spiders.




    going blind

  8. I just answered a very similar question, my phobia is ants..

  9. i am without a phobia, nor do i fear death, although i do fear the lord almighty God himself.

  10. Centipedes and spiders and smelly feet lol

    Never thought of that lol

  11. Yeah - I don't like flying much either, but I find snakes even more scary.

  12. First is flying....

    Second is stuck too many times in a's been 3 years since I even considered getting on one!!!  I'll hike up 10 flights of stairs before I ever set foot in an elevator again!  

  13. moths and needles scare the c**p out of me

  14. Fear of not fulfilling scripture in time to save the world from imminent


  15. coulrophobia

    scared of clowns

  16. that would be wires.

    a tangled mess of wires.

    shudder shudder.

  17. Pigeons - they look scary and i get scared when they fly over my head in case they poo on me or when they fly around me

    Bugs - they crawl on you and they're all hairy

    Unlocked doors - I get really paranoid if the doors aren't locked incase someone comes in and tries to burgle me or hurt me even if the doors are closed normally - they have to be locked

    Going outside when it's night time - especially when it's really dark because it makes me feel unsafe =[

  18. Polystyrene packaging! AAARRRGGGGHHHH!

  19. Spiders,


    Closing my eyes,

    standing on glass

  20. all insects-even butterflys

    a cricket got in my kitchen the other day, i had to phone a family member to get rid of it. It was sat there rubbing its legs, making a load of noise ontop of my oninons in the vegetable rack.

    I'm deeply traumatised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. fish



    cramped spaces.

  22. 1. im scared of spiders

    2. im scared of huge bugs

    3. im scared of those black and yellow moths that pop out at you when you are walking through the grass

    4. im scared of dragonflys

    5. im clastorphobic

  23. I'm claustrophobic and have a fear of large moths, and house spiders.

  24. My phobia is spiders

  25. Boats in dry dock

  26. I have claustrophobia... acidently locked myself in a trunk when i was younger and it scared the c**p out of me.

  27. Motorways

    and underground trains

  28. Spiders

  29. Pigeons - I hate them. They just fly at you and are so scary

    Any type of bugs - They can just crawl all over you !!!

    Touching the front bit of my neck - It just creeps me out

  30. spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
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