
What is your pick, Paris, New York, Hawaii, or Alaska?

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What is your pick, Paris, New York, Hawaii, or Alaska?




  1. New York for sure.

  2. Alaska...I've been to the other places.

  3. my pick would be Alaska    i love the outdoors and mountain terraine.

  4. Hawaii

  5. Paris, easy underground. many different things to see and do. was at the Eiffel tower late at night and heard lots sirens down below. they had the road blocked off and thousands of skaters went by. it was really cool.

    Hawaii,pearl harbor the beach and flora not much else, nice but not Paris.

    NY weekend trip from where I live. good shows and  loads of shopping not really my bag for more than a weekend.

    Alaska TBD

    each has merit but for my $ Paris is my choice.

  6. I live in Alaska and love it, am going to Paris this year, and have been to New York before.

    So out of the list provided, I would have to say visit Hawaii but not move out of Alaska.

  7. paris or new york! and hawaii idk! i wanna go to those three

  8. Well I've only been to Hawaii, so that is my pick.

  9. PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. hawaii please

  11. it's a "no brainer" a 10 plus

  12. Depends on the time of year, but, not knowing, PARIS!!  Without a doubt!

  13. Paris

  14. either paris or new york.

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