
What is your plan for life

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are you saving money for something important or for a car, career, house. If so, how are you doing it? I'm planning to buy me an SUV And save for a good career that i haven't made my mind on. I just don't know where to start or how. Can you help me?? i know, i sound lame,lol.




  1. My plan is to survive other people's plans for me.

  2. living for Christ JEsus... he's been taking care of me for aold time.. not wanting to wreck a good thing, material thing are only temperal...god is forever....

    "God mets my needs by His Riches and glory...."

    you can have that peace of mind too.... live for Jesus

  3. I really can't help you be happy, but I am in the same boat.  You see, I try to be happy but I'm always so confused about everything.  Like I get an idea for a career, but then "boom" I change my mind.  I think being a young adult is really hard because the world is so big!  Anyway, I know I didn't help, but at least you know you are having similar problems to mine.  Maybe you should keep a journal and write down your goals in life and find out how to achieve them.  Even if it won't work it is worth a try.  And you seem pretty smart, you'll have a good life don't worry.

    Good luck!

  4. Excercise, meditate, eat healthy, and find your own answer from within.

  5. Just to be able to survive for as long as I desire while living comfortably so I can make it to the paradice of my dreams in this life.  That's all I and anyone else really needs.  So all material things you want to own is null and a destructive path to follow.

  6. I have no idea. I'm just relying on God's grace... and the best part, I'm in peace.  

  7. be content, grateful, thankful and humble...

    ...have no expectations of others and myself...

    ...manage to do all the thing i choose to do and enjoy it...

  8. make money by selling drugs - get arrested no job or prospects.

    Sell your body and hate every person afterwards... Nope for me

    Oh well, guess i'm actually happy working for the firm paying me. Save fro what I want - go into as little debt as poss and enjoy my life.

    Work to live, never Live to work.

    be happy, stay safe

  9. to stop feeling helpless, and lazy. to finish pulling it all together and be thankful I am alive and make my changes I need to make.

    to enjoy life and make sure my child does.

    and within 8 months to take a trip to Hawaii, I have always wanted to go, and I have been so strapped. And to go 50 lbs lighter.

    That's about 6 lbs a month off, I think I can do that if the new job goes well.

    Well I had a starting point that HAD to be the starting point since I couldn't do anything till i got a good job except try to lose weight.

  10. Right now my plans are to get out of debt. Trying to keep the wolf at bay.

  11. John Lennon said "Life is what happens when your'e making other plans." I wanted to be famous from age 4 but life had other plans for me that I could not control coz other ppl were in charge and they were ignorant. Now Im 37 and Im chasing the fame. My whole life has been about this dream and I will die trying to achieve it. I never married or had kids coz I knew they would interfere. The truth is your destiny will find you, in the meantime just go one day to another coz the truth is you could be dead by the end of the day and so could I. In fact today is one year to the day since my mum died, that has taught me to just flow with and give into the process of life with an open mind, coz life does what it wants when it wants and you can only deal with things as they happen. So make plans, but only write them in pencil, coz you will need to erase some.

  12. Pray to God for wisdom and guidance. John 3:16  

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