
What is your point of view on electric cars?

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What is your point of view on electric cars?




  1. They may make sense for short trips/commutes. But remember that you plug them in at home. Maybe you wouldn't have to go to the gas station but it would definitely show on the electric bill. And if you are on coal power then the "carbon footprint" might not be any different than petroleum.

  2. My mom has one and its really good. Something like 35 miles per gallon or something. The only thing that sucks about them is that they can die so easily if you leave the car light on or something ridiculous like that. So if you have one, you should always have a place for them to charge.

  3. awesome and great for the environment, but not sure if our country is ready for them.  in france they have places in public parking lots (like grocery stores) where you can charge your car

  4. They are fine for short commutes, but way to expensive. Not good for longer travel times. Takes to long to recharge. Will also drive up the cost of electricity if to many using up the grid power. They also do not help CO2 emissions much unless Nuclear, Wind, and Solar are used to make the electricity to charge them.

    In a word, they are not very practical for most people. That's why you don't see many.

  5. They could be the answer to the oil crisis and global heating crisis but first we need:

    1. smaller, longer lasting batteries

    2. availability of infrastructure in public places so people can charge their cars

  6. As if the power bill isn't high enough already. And what happens if you need to charge it and there's a power failure ?

    I can so imagine this happening :

    "I'm going to be late today because there was a nationwide power outage and I couldn't charge my car. I tried to take a cab but they were all electric too so... and then I tried to take a bus, but.. same thing. And then I said, hang the expense, being early is worth it, so I tried the new personal teleporters but.. well you know the rest of the story."

  7. The power plants use coal or gas for power to create the electricity to power the cars.

    The batteries must be changed out every few years and the lead and sulfuric acid must be disposed of as they are both toxic and hazardous to the environment.

    mile per mile the gasoline will be cheaper until it reaches around $3.75 per gallon.

    they have such a limited driving range per charge that you must charge them often and the batteries loose charge capacity over time.

    The mechanics must go back to school to (as if the normal training updates aren't enough) to learn the new technology

    The mechanics must buy even more special tools to work on them for no raise in pay to help buy the new tools.and schooling.

    When in a crash and a battery bursts and dumps the acid out all over the people , car and road and then ignites then that passangers are toasted

    Back in the 1930's they were able to get 100 mpg at 80 mph and now they cannot . ???

  8. If they ever become practical and affordable, that would be great.  They may even be fun.

       I sure do like the way an old Harley  or a big V 8 sounds though.

  9. I think they are great but way to expensive right now which sucks. I think they would be great to have once America is ready for that change. With the gas prices people are desperate for different ways to save money, and people who knock electric cars by saying they are only useful for short commutes don't know enough about them because most cars can last 150 mile trips before you have to plug them in.

  10. They have their place.  But not in a Mandate.

    I'd love for all the hippies and non-automotive enthusiasts to drive would take pressure of my Hot-rod Brethren.

    Even if a small percentage (say 10%) of the drivers on the road today went to EV's, the oil market would take a hit and prices would drop.

  11. they were pretty popular a hundred years ago but they had a short range between battery charges, the new ones still have the same problem.

    if very many people start using them the state & federal government will start charging a tax based on how many miles you drive to replace the road use tax they now collect on each gallon of gasoline.

    those roads & hiways dont get built & maintained for free you know.

  12. They are awesome. Imagine, having solar panels for your home and plugging in your car. That would be FREE UNLIMITED energy!

    Electric cars require almost no maintenance. That is why GM scrapped them in favor of the Hum"a fool and his money are soon parted"mer.

  13. Not very practical at present.  A lot of the household driving is long distance.

  14. Battery's cause more pollution than gasoline, and if nothing would run on oil, where would the tax for highways come from?

  15. The Corporate complex waited 2 long before they

    acted upon A WORLD problem...

    the technology is way behind as is the range of the cars.  1 day they will be economical...

  16. best thing ever...i hate the oil companies

  17. Its very good! Electricity will always be available no matter what. If you move your hand, you produce electricity! Theres a million ways to make it, so it is a good resource.

  18. Electric cars are very useful if a bit less expensive.  I recommend the idea of cars you can manually accelerate using a pedaling system in each passenger seat.  This would then be used along with gasoline to create a hybrid that is much cheaper to manufacture.

    The pedaling system: You would exert some of your own body energy into moving the car forward, the rest being done by gasoline, but your share of the energy would make the car more fuel efficient.  

    For example, lets say you can pedal a car to just 25 miles per hour.   This would mean that now the car can go 75 miles at 75 miles per hour using the same gas that before only enabled you to go 50 miles distance at 50 miles per hour.  That's a significant difference.

  19. Sounds nice, but.

    Any substantial use of electric cars will require much more electrical power generation. If 50% or the cars were electric, several hundred additional nuclear or a few thousand coal power plants would be needed. Take your choice of which pollution you prefer.

  20. gas = 3.50 a gallon in US

    any questions?

  21. there's electric cars now shocking i wish i had one of them doe

  22. They have a place, but are not the be all / end all answer. Remember your tail pipe is actually connected to a power plant some where so they are NOT a ZEV.

    The storage cells may rupture and do you want to be in a vehicle with about 35 gallons of Sulfuric acid surrounding you? Small problem now, but if they become a significant portion of our transportation scheme.

    They were a substantial portion of the late 19th / early 20th century automotive and truck market. They probably do have a place for urban commuters, and especially short haul delivery functions.

  23. I wish I could afford one....

  24. Shocking...

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