
What is your point of view on this?

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My step daughter is 4yrs. old and as far as i know she has never been in a daycare or preschool.. she is smart for her age but she has 1 more yr. b4 she starts school.. and has had no interaction with no other kids except her cousins (which she only sees at get togethers) i'm worried that when she goes to school if she is going to be a problem if i don't do something now..




  1. You asked for my observations, so I'll say it.

    Whole premise of question is, "she's never played with other children, and I'm worried about this."

    You said, "as far as I know, she has never been in..."  

    Why don't you ask the daddy this question first?-(unless this is a foster stepdaughter.)  For example, "Daddy, has daughter ever been in a daycare or preschool?"  My biggest concern is not if you will be a wonderful stepmom (you obviously really care), but why you haven't felt free to ask this question of her daddy, first.  <Please excuse my question-if her daddy only recently got custody (or something like that.)>

    You must remember that as a step-parent, you need to work closely with the bio-parent in all you do, or it could end your marriage.

  2. Probably not, she has the rest of her life to "socialize".  She might like to have a play date once in a while if possible.  Does she socialize with brothers, sisters, Sunday School class, or others?  She can learn a lot of bad habits from others as well lol.  Many times it is the mother who has difficulty leaving their child at school for the first time moreso than the child (after the parent leaves).  She will be more mature in another year and able to adjust.  Since she is smart I assume you give her a headstart at home with basic concepts.  It is sort of "six of one and half dozen of the other" as they say, but don't worry.  Enjoy.

  3. you need to socialize her with some occasional interaction with kids so she is not overwhelmed when she goes to school.

  4. Take her on outings to a neiborhood park so she can practice interacting with kids.  Psychologically, around 4 years of age children begin understanding concepts like taking turns in a conversation, sharing (though this gets much better later), and other social aspects.  Waiting a year for her to start school may be okay, just try and find her a playmate...even put her into daycare just so she gets a little bit of social interaction with peers.  This will also help with separation anxiety.  She needs to know that if you drop her off somewhere, it's not a permenant WILL be back!

  5. u rlly need to tlk to ur husband about this...b/c it is more his child....but yes i thnk u need to let her interaact  w/ other kidds so that she is not scared... dont sign her up for preschool maybe but just put her in an mother morning out thing at ur church or school or something....... or u cud put her in a church daycare,.... but she needs to interact with other kids. But tlk to ur husband b4 u do becuz if he has sole custody he should be responsible for doing this

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