
What is your points to disagree with this statements? "Grafitti is an art and not vandalism.?

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I have debate presentation, and i have to disagree with this statements.




  1. Well truly what is drawn is art you are not saying that it's not but it is how and where the art is drawn that makes it illegal and devoid of its artistic meaning.

  2. Yeah, as stated it's paradoxical.  Define your terms.Grafitti usually means writing/painting  on somebody else's walls to (a) mark territory (b) be funny  (c) protest about something.  But if the walls are somebody else's, then it's vandalism.  If the walls are your own, such painting may--or may not be--art.  

    There are internet discussions of this topic that revolve around Bansky, whose work is valued, preserved & purchased by art-lovers, wall and all.  One report is mentioned below.

  3. By definition, it's vandalism when it is done on property that does not belong to the "artist," like the sides of buildings, trains, buses, etc.   It's defacing property.

  4. Bookish has it exactly right, and well-said, too!

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