
What is your position on ''Alien'' life?

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First off, do you believe in them?

How many different kinds of aliens do you suppose exist?

Millions or maybe just a few?

What do you think there interest in humans is about?

Do they have good intentions?

Are they spiritual beings or godless creatures?

Were they also created by god?

How would you feel if a UFO landed in your front yard?




  1. Yes, I believe in the aliens. I think that exist thousands kinds of aliens. There is other life in the universe, primitive or not. We can't be the only kinds of life to populate the universe, it is too big! Maybe there are others planets like the Heart. Maybe some kind of alien is interest about the humans. Maybe they have good intentions. A lot of people think that the aliens are evil because there have been a lot of presumed abductions, but if you think, the humans would do the same, also if it isn't right.

    If a UFO would land in my front yard, I don't know how I'd fell. I wouldn't be scared, maybe they are not evil. I'd try to get in contact with it.

    Sorry if my English isn't very good, but I'm Italian and I'm trying to improve it.

  2. I am fascinated with space and always have been. It is so huge .. like we can't see past pluto so we don't know what could be out there. For all we know there could be something. I don't exactly believe alien creatures fly around in space crafts and can like shoot across millions of galaxies in seconds but I like to keep an open mind that there could be another sun and earth with people on it somewhere in space that is to far for us ever to contact. It is a very interesting topic.. its the unknown and I love learning new stuff about it :)

  3. I believe that life is not only inevitable, but that it is both old enough and widespread enough for us to come into contact with it. However I believe that majority of stories about UFOs and alien adbuctees/contactees have more to do with people watching too much TV than they have to do with real aliens.

    1) Yes

    2) Statistically, millions of space traveling races

    3) I don't think that they are that interested in humans. We don't have much to trade with them and if they are interested in our culture then I think that they know enough to observe us from a very long distance rather than to come here and probe rednecks.

    4) Different aliens, different intentions. Just like with humans.

    5) A mixture of both. Just like on Earth

    6) Yes, except for maybe a few that were created through genetic engineering by other aliens

    7) I'd feel kind of odd as I don't really have a front yard.

  4. I hope you don't think that God has created all these planets

    and only put life on one.

    The aliens have been here, seen we are "self-destructive,"

    and gone. Yes, ET did go back home. <}:-})

  5. I believe there are many forms of alien life. We are not alone.

  6. No doubt we have been surrounded by "aliens" throughout our history. Microbes have been landing on earth in various forms for eons. Who is to say how they have developed and evolved.

    Is there a "plan"? There seems to be a symmetry or balance to the known universe that can't be explained away.

    I lean towards a spiritual component in all beings. Even if you just subscribe to the Gaya theory, all life is interconnected.

    Nice question to start a Saturday, thanks.

  7. Are they spiritual beings or godless creatures?

    Were they also created by god?

    What "god" are you referring to?

    Because "god" has never been substantiated as a fact, but based more on a belief.

    And if you feel that "god" created us, then who do you feel created them?

    By your typical religious beliefs, "god" created the universe.

    So wouldn't they also be included?

    But maybe they are more intelligent and didn't feel the need to sacrifice any kind of life to appease their "god" if they have one.

    For us to assume we are the only intelligent life around sounds rather closed-minded.

  8. well first off...i think they exist...not like some slimy green thing or something that they betray on tv though...but seriously, how can people be sooo close-minded to believe that we are the only life in this entire universe?! we havnt even been everwhere yet! i believe that they are probabl a sort of human, like us, only way more advanced...but i dont believe the c**p that people say when they are like "oh they have 5 legs and 4 eyes' or " one took me to their spaceship" and c**p like that...i think they evolved faster and have the technology now that we will only have later.... but u cant be close-minded and think there is no other type of life anywhere but our small earth!

  9. 1. yes.

    2. Thousands of billians.

    3. not much. earth may just be a dumb planet with dumb life forms.

    4. some good, some bad.

    5. both.

    6. yes.

    7. terrified, but also curious.

  10. 1.Yes, I do believe in them.

    2.Several hundred

    3.If we discovered life else where, we would be interested too

    4.Possibly, but they could be trying to trick us in thinking they're good- the same as a vet does before he puts a dog down.


    6.I can't say

    7.I would freak out sadly- we always fear what we don't understand or have control over.

  11. Yes, I believe there is "alien" life out there.  How much or how many different forms is impossible to estimate since the universe is vast and our lack of true, in-depth knowledge about its many planets is even greater.  I cannot say that the "aliens" (assuming they exist) have any interest in us since there's no proof that they even know about us (so-called "alien" UFOs are normally experimental military aircraft or explainable phenomena).  As for their intentions, who knows?  An infinite universe could have millions of life forms of various dispositions, from peaceful to we-want-a-piece-of-you.  As for Creation by God, hey, if God created the universe, then he created them as well.

  12. 1. I believe that the universe is probably teeming with life.  It seems unlikely that life would have arisen only on one tiny planet in one little star system in one normal-sized galaxy.

    2. There are probably unimaginable trillions of aliens out there.

    3. I doubt they know that humans exist.  While I DO think that aliens are out there, I do NOT think they are visiting us.  I doubt that aliens have solved the problem of interstellar travel any more than we have.  Even if they have, it's a huge universe and they're just as likely not to have any idea that we even exist.

    4. I think that if any of these aliens are intelligent, they are much like people - they are probably a mix of good and not-so-good.

    5. There really isn't any way to know if they are spiritual or not.  If they are intelligent, they've probably contemplated their own origin, and if they've done that, they may have religion as well.  Then again, some people would argue that religious feelings in humans are simply a function of the human brain.  It's hard to say.

    6. Extraterrestrials weren't created by a god anymore than we were.

    7. I'd probably be frightened at first, then curious and excited to see if I could communicate with beings from another planet.  I think we would have a lot to learn from each other.

    I hope that helps.  Good luck.

  13. Yes, but they haven't visited us.

    Infinite possibilities.

    They don't know we exist, and if they do, they are curious, non-threatening. Good intentions.

    They're not religious missionaries, but they respect life.

    Call the media.

  14. Blind belief is useless. There is zero credible evidence.

    Whether they actually exist is slightly probable.

    Just as Earth has hillions of species, if there's one species of aliens, at least thousand are bound to be related.

  15. Well considering the size of the universe the chances are there is life out there, the only problem is that is the life out there intelligent or are they just like animals on our planet. The chances are there is plenty of life on other planets except the chances of that life turning out to be intelligent with technology better then ours is unlikely. And if a UFO did land in my front yard i'd call the cops

  16. 1. First off, do you believe in them?

    In Aliens? Well now that also depends on definition. If you mean of human intelligence or grater then there is a slim possibility, yes. As for life being a singled cell organism well there is a very strong possibility of that.

    2. How many different kinds of aliens do you suppose exist?

    If there exists a planet that can sustain life to at least our intelligence level, then it stands to reason that that particular planet also has millions of species on it. Just depends on how far down the evolutionary scale they have come.

    3. Millions or maybe just a few?

    If there is more than one other planet that harbors life, the amount is likely to be billions of billions.

    4. What do you think there interest in humans is about?

    In what way do you mean their interest in humans? If there exists another intelligent life form they do not even know about us let alone have an interest in us. We are just an insignificant rock floating near an equally insignificant ball of nuclear fusion.

    5. Do they have good intentions?

    Again, for what? They probably just intend to get on with their lives as is a natural habit and instinct for all living things.

    6. Are they spiritual beings or godless creatures?

    Well, we have no way of knowing if they believe in invisible sky fairies or not.

    7. Were they also created by god?

    Hmm. Interesting question. Why would you think that any life form would be created by a fictional character?

    8. How would you feel if a UFO landed in your front yard?

    I will assume you mean an alien space craft of some description. Uh, just a couple of things here.

    First, I will just ask, do you have any idea how far the nearest next star from our sun is? Or to take it back one step. Can you even imagine how far just one light year is?

    How about a parsec?

    Then, as for extra solar planets, the next nearest is over 20 light-years from us. However, this is a massive gas giant planet many times bigger than Jupiter and cannot support life of any kind. So, now you have to go even further to find a terrestrial planet that may have the right conditions to have a chance of even supporting micro-organism’s let alone intelligent life. These distances are vast!

    Oh, and just in case you were wondering, anything that contains a mass cannot travel at light speed. Nothing can - nothing. So, even if it were possible to travel at or beyond the speed of light, a creature would have to travel for far longer than 20 years just to reach us.

    Same as even if they were just trying to communicate with us. If for example some distant civilisation is at say only 50 light years from us, and signal of communication was sent to us it would take 100 years for them to receive our reply!

    Next, I don’t know how big your front yard is but for some sort of ET object to travel to us, it would have to be rather large.

    But, hey lets just go with your fantasies here for a moment.

    Fist thing I would do would ask it to park in the backyard! I wouldn’t want the neighbours to see. Then I would introduce myself as best I could. But I would also want to be very weary. Even though I would feel pretty safe in the knowledge that if they had managed to break all the rules of how the universe works, and traverse the vast distances needed to get to me, I would still wonder about the unknown. Then I would wonder why they would choose me and my yard. I would probably want to make sure I took some good pictures of them. Hmm, I am at a bit of loss now as I don’t really know what would happen or what to expect!

  17. I believe there is other life somewhere in the universe, but not here.

    If you mean different species, I dont know, if you mean, how populated is thier species, I suppose millions.

    I doubt they are aware of humans at all. I suppose if we discover aliens visiting our planet, we could know this stuff.

    If they live in the universe, then they must be created by God.

    I would be nervous. You never know whats going to come out of a UFO, could be Daleks or Cybermen or something.

  18. First off, do you believe in them?-Not die hard, but yes

    How many different kinds of aliens do you suppose exist?I don't know.

    Millions or maybe just a few? I think there would be more then a few,,,

    What do you think there interest in humans is about?Pure comedy....

    Do they have good intentions?If laughing, is good then yes.

    Are they spiritual beings or godless creatures?It depends, one race could worship a higher power while the other just has personal morals.

    Were they also created by god?I don't believe in your god.

    How would you feel if a UFO landed in your front yard? Paranoid

  19. Do I believe in aliens?  Yip,yip,yip,yip,yip,yip...  Uh-huh , uh-huh.  

    They're interested in everything, and learn from their book,book,book,book,book,book....

    (anyone who watched early seasons of Sesame Street will know which aliens I'm referring to. lol)

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