
What is your prediction on Oreilly?

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Will he be a tiger or a p***y cat when he faces Obama tonight?




  1. I think it will be similar to his interview with Hillary Clinton. He'll be polite and respectful and not try to intimidate or interupt. They'll discuss key issues and policy, and Obama won't be baited by bad questions.

  2. Dude, it's Bill O'Reilly; he doesn't change and I think he will rake Obama over the coals and I just can't wait.

  3. When has O'Reilly ever purred?

  4. He will soft ball him and Obama already has the questions that is the only way Obama's handlers will allow he to be interviewed

  5. I do not believe that

    Bill O Reilly will ask him very many tough question

    I think mr Reilly is more concerned with his ratings

    I am afraid to say something nice about Mr Reilly because the thought police would not want to hear it

    I met Mr Reilly once

    I am not saying anything about his politics

    But he is a very funny and pretty nice person in real life

    I hope that little bit of info does not offend anyone

  6. He'll have a heart attack!

  7. He will have Obama stuttering worse than he usually does which means we will learn nothing new about Obama and still see him as unqualified. I hope he ask Obama why his own Democratic party leaders cannot answer questions about his qualifications.  

  8. O'Reilly will be himself and Obama will be in the fetal position in the corner when it is over  

  9. Neither, a panther.  

  10. Every anwers will be, ugh um ugh um, that's above my pay grade Bill.

  11. He'll be politely aggressive but although I watch FOX as a rule I'll be missing this little spectacle...

  12. I think he will ask tuff questions like he did with Hillary and McCain but I think he won't argue or be on Obama real bad. Bill has a sense about him that he respects people running for office. I think he will be fair and balanced. But he will ask tuff questions.

    Last night I saw Chris Matthews interviewing a couple of Republicans and I thought he was acting like a real jerk. All he wanted to do was pick a fight.

  13. I am sure he will ask the same questions in the same manner he asked Hillary and McCain a couple of months ago.  Anyone that thinks he won't apparently is listening to the left wing idiot loons who tell you FOX and O'Reilly are biased. Don't drink their kool aid. look what it did to their brains.

  14. I've seen O'Reilly work and I predict he will do the same thing he always does. He will ask questions and when Obama tries to answer them, he will interrupt him with his own opinion. O'Reilly is a vile person.  

  15. Either way, President Obama will answer each question accurately.

  16. I think Obama will be asked some questions he's never had to answer yet.

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