
What is your primary method of communication?

by  |  earlier

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Home phone, cell phone, e-mail, face to face conversation...etc.




  1. I prefer face to face conversation.  Due to my work/living arrangements, much of my communication is via e-mail alone  :(

  2. Yep !!! I'll go also with:

    Verbal : Mouth

    Yep.... Sure can't carry on a conversation from any other part of my anatomy.

    Ha Ha Ha...

    Secondary: E-Mail or Cell


  3. Face to face.

    I cannot stand cell phones.

  4. Verbal

  5. Intercultural communication principles guide the process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries, in a way that preserves mutual respect and minimises antagonism. For these purposes, culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms of behaviour.

    WorldLingo only uses accredited native-speaking translators.

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    With so many translators and 'so-called translators' in the industry, we have found these requirements extremely effective in choosing high quality translators for you.

    WorldLingo's editors and linguistic reviewers generally have degrees in their appropriate language, or degrees in translation (with honors in Grammar/or their language). Alternatively they may be experts in the subject of the project.

    All WorldLingo translators are chosen according to their source and target language capability, translation skills, learning capability, knowledge structure, etc. We then select the appropriate individual from a large number of candidates.

    "Email is brilliant, it is an amazing communication tool.

  6. In my line of work, that is as a teacher, I usually employ face to face communication. Next to this is cellphone (mostly texting), then, email and chat.

    It really depends on the situation. With the new technology within the reach of almost anybody, communicating is just at the tip of one's fingers. However, these new communication technologies haven't ensured stronger relationships among people. Divorce rates continuously rise. Shallow relationships are developed - people saying they love each other without even meeting and knowing the person, etc. So for me, nothing beats face to face communication. All these new technologies which allow us to communicate despite the distance should only serve as "reinforcers" in the relationship.

    Well, these are just my opinions.

  7. Depends on the situation....I like e-mail and text because it is quick and easy and if it's a difficult conversation to have then you can take the face to face emotion out of it.

    But I love talk on the phone to my mom and my g/f quite a bit. I only have a cell phone, I have not had a home phone (land line) for 5 years.

    Face to face is great for some things and too emotional/intimidating for others.

    It all depends on the situation

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